Energy Psychology Is Yoga for Your Imagination
Dear Friends, We are all familiar with the concept of ying and yang, consciousness and unconsciousness, ebb and flow. In yoga, the asanas we strive to perfect with our bodies speak to our deep desire to perfect and unite our mind, body and spirit. And yet, often in spite of years of dedicated practice, many of us find that our mind remains unruly, capricious and, at times, decidedly unfriendly to our stated goal of peacefulness and calm. Why is that? For the answer we need to look at some of the fascinating research coming from the world of science and in particular, the emerging field called Energy Psychology. A revolution in science is occurring the likes of which will literally change the planet. You see, leading edge science is beginning to prove that it is our thoughts that actually create our bodies and our world. This is knowledge that many of us have intuited for years, and now more and more scientists around the world, in turning their focus to the discoveries of Albert Einstein, are concluding that in the arena of consciousness, he again was light years ahead of the rest of us. So how does energy psychology relate to yoga? Because Patanjali, author of the Yoga-Sutras and considered by many to be the Father of Yoga, formulated the practice of Raja Yoga first and foremost as a means to control the mind, which is exactly what energy psychology does too!. In chapter one and verse two of the Yoga-Sutras he says: Yoga is the redirection of the fluctuations of consciousness. If we unite Patanjali’s definition of yoga with some of the conclusions being reached today in leading-edge body/mind research, we begin to understand that not only can we, but also that we must change at the bio-energetic level, the level of consciousness, before we can manifest those changes in our life. And here is where Einstein again makes his appearance. He said: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Let’s assume for the moment that your mind slips too easily into states that are clearly not yogic, you know states like anger, sadness, depression, and just plain unhappiness. Now if we see such a tendency of mind as a problem, according to Einstein we need to use a different level of consciousness to solve it. Luckily he not only identified the issue, he also revealed the key to fixing the problem. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Einstein also gave us the follow clues: "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” Did Einstein really mean it when he said that imagination is more important than knowledge? That imagination is the true sign of intelligence?? That imagination is everything??? If the answer is yes, then we need to know just one more thing; how do I create the most powerful and positive imagination possible? And this brings us to The Simone Zone: yoga for your imagination and one of the most complete and powerful self-development Energy Psychology methods available today. People from all over the world have discovered that it’s possible to attain and retain a state of inner balance and peace from the comfort and privacy of their own home on-line - in just minutes a day. With our minds is in a state of balance, good things happen seemingly automatically. Spontaneity, creativity and self-expression blossom even as sadness, fear, insecurity and anger fade away. After all, isn’t that one of the main reasons for the practice of yoga? The Simone Zone is an imagination empowerment tool that can quickly take you from a state of distress to an oasis of calm. With the cutting edge bio-energy exercises that The Simone Zone puts at your disposal, you'll quickly learn how to spot and immediately change your bad mental habits, allowing your mind to flow smoothly from moment to moment. In just 10-12 minutes daily you will learn how to transform your electromagnetic blueprint, by using your imagination, to strengthen your ability to access the part of your mind to automatically release amazing chemicals into your system, such as oxytocin, (the hormone involved in social recognition and bonding), and endorphins, (peptides that give you a sense of well-being). You see, most of us are pretty good at automatically releasing noradrenaline (the 'anger hormone') or adrenaline (the 'fear hormone'), and according to The Simone Zone viewpoint, those automatic negative reactions are exactly what's keeping us from reaching our potential in love, health and financial well-being. The Simone Zone program comes with a lifetime membership. Use if for just one year and your daily cost is just twelve cents a day. What’s more, the program comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you don’t agree that The Simone Zone is truly what we say it is, yoga for your imagination that will transform your life, we will gladly refund your money. The only thing we ask is that you promise to use The Simone Zone for 21 days in a row (if you miss a day you must start over, no cheating allowed) for just 10-12 minutes each day. In those 10-12 minutes we promise you'll learn how to completely reset your mental pattern so that you can effortlessly and spontaneously produce a peaceful and flowing mindset. The benefits will quickly become apparent as you see improvements in your relationships, career, and overall well being And after 21 consecutive days of applying The Simone Zone to your imagination, intention and intuition if you do not totally agree that our program is like doing yoga for your mind, let us know and we'll refund your money AND you get to keep all of the material we sent you for FREE. (minus S&H) So don't wait, go to: to get immediate access and start using The Simone Zone energy psychology program, yoga for your imagination. We invite you to join us on this exciting shared Journey to Wellness, Jon C Mejia and RG Gaznabi �" creators of The Simone Zone and authors of ‘Why Act Like a Mouse When You’re Really a Cat” P.S. As an added bonus, all Simone Zone members will receive our monthly newsletter, InVision, filled with the latest developments in neuroscience and consciousness research.
Jon C Mejia is a researcher of neuroscience advances, author, and energy psychology expert. Jon is also the co-creator of The Simone Zone™, a revolutionary approach to handling a wide variety of issues, including phobias and other anxiety based conditions utilizing a thought-based technology. For more information visit
Your Inner Compass
We each have an inner compass guiding us to fulfill our purpose. We all have an inner knowing that is providing the impetus for us to develop ourselves. We are all evolving, all growing more conscious through all our life experiences; all part of a critical mass of awareness that is awakening within the collective consciousness of humanity. We are each being guided to realize our full potential by realizing our Self. Self-realization is the culmination of humanity's potential, it is the underlying desire within all humans; it is our instinct to evolve. Enlightenment is innate. Your true Self is already realized. You couldn't be anything other than that which you already are. It is time for your full self-realization. Reflecting on your own nature helps your mind align with the part of you that already knows. Having the presence of mind to check your compass brings your mind in alignment with the spirit that's calling you to wake up from the dream, to remember who you are and why you were born so you can fulfill the purpose of your existence. The energy the guides you to be reading and reflecting on these words is your spirit. Your spirit is guiding your mind as you are reading these words as evidenced by the fact that you are reading them. It's bringing your mind into focus on the feeling that is your spirit reaching out to your mind. Shaktipat meditation is tuning to that feeling. When you put your attention on the place between the eyebrows, as we teach, energy flows to this area and several incredible things happen: Your pituitary gland is stimulated, and working in conjunction with your pineal gland, they regulate heart rate, metabolism, respiration and other biological functions, bringing about a more peaceful state. This endocrine response further facilitates the lowering of your brain wave activity; guiding you down from Beta (14-40 cps) to Alpha (7-13 cps) then Theta (4-6 cps) and eventually Delta (0-3 cps). From within this inner quiet greater clarity, insight, happiness and peace develop. This meditation also draws the energy from your nervous system up to the uppermost regions of your brain; the "crown" in the frontal and temporal lobes of your neo-cortex. Herein lies our sixth sense, and by developing this sense your own nature is reflected back to your mind and your mind realizes the true nature of your Self. When you meditate on your 3rd Eye, you plug into the very life force current that you are; your mind is simply connecting with your spirit, consciously. Each time you meditate on your 3rd eye, you align with the energy guiding you; spirit guides you like a compass needle pointing the way. Picture me reaching out to you in the screen of your mind, connect like a radio tuning into a broadcast, and my spirit will join with yours and we can move into this state of consciousness together. Like Saint Peter awaiting you at the pearly gates, I am reaching out to you in spirit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within. I will meet you here. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir
Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!
Psychic medium �" How to becoming a top psychic medium...
A psychic medium is not born a top psychic medium but like any skill they develop their psychic ability through time. Psychic mediums all start off like everyone else who also have these latent psychic abilities.
However certain environmental conditions can dramatically improve their psychic mediumship skills. Being born to a family of healers and psychics helps program your mind to that fact that it is perfectly normal to become a psychic medium. Other factors are being fascinated with other healers and psychics to the point you read everything you can lay your hands to further open your mind up to the possibility of becoming a psychic medium.
Interestingly many people think that reading about psychic mediums and using psychic tools such as tarot cards etc will transform them into a psychic medium. The reality is the more they trust their intuition and still their mind the more psychic they will become. However being psychic and becoming a psychic medium are worlds apart.
The secret is rather surprising; listing to the spirits from the other side is all about raising your vibration by constantly clearing yourself of negative energy. In other words to become a psychic medium you first have to become a healer. Only then can you clear your space and your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical body to the point you will have accurate communication with the spirit world.
Negative energy will come to you in many forms it may be the location you are at, it may be someone you spoke to over the phone or in person or it may be as simple as your own negative thoughts and fears.
Irrespective of the source of the negative energy you must clear your space, everything you consume and all of your four bodies.
There are a number of easy techniques that will all help clear you of negative energy. The more well know ones are bathing in water with a few drops of organic cold pressed essential oils that you have intuitively selected another is to add Epsom Salts to your bath water. More advanced techniques involve your breathing and brushing your body down with water whether in front of the wash hand basin or in the shower or clearing the room with sage and breathing out the negative energy.
If you are not familiar with Reiki or a similar healing modality you may well think that all these negative energy clearing techniques are nonsense. However irrespective whether these techniques alter matter or our perception of reality the fact is that your psychic mediumship abilities and new found health and well being will transform your life.
Although your true psychic potential will be influenced to some extent by your genetics and environment, ultimately becoming psychic medium will be very much determined by what your learn and more importantly adopt in your daily life.
If you wish to explore your psychic ability and dramatically improve the quality of your life and your health then you should make the decision to start today.
International psychic medium and founder of the American Association of psychics and healers. Teacher of psychic development classes, law of attraction spiritual retreat and hands on healing classes. Also availiable for psychic mediumship and healing in person and by telephone. Call 970 586 9231 for details.
Good Luck Charms and Magic Amulets of Thailand
Thailand with its 60 million +/- people are very spiritual and superstitious.
Almost all Thai people you meet wear a Good Luck Charm or Magical Amulet on a necklace around their neck. Which kind of Charm or Amulet they wear normally, but not always, depends on several things: The part of country their come from and/or their occupation. They wear these Good Luck Charms and Magical Amulets either for Good Luck and Prosperity or Protection. Sometimes these Charms and Amulets serve both situations. For example; people in the Armed Forces, police and people in a very dangerous work situation, i.e.; high rise construction, are primarily interested in protection, obviously. A high percentage of these same people even go so far as to have Magical symbols (yants) tattooed on their bodies, both front and back. Most of these tattoos are done by Buddhist monks at several well known Buddhist temples in Thailand. These are not your common basic tattoo parlors. These are done in elaborate ceremonies, with much chanting of blessings, candles, incense and lots of garlands of lotus flowers. I have been there and saw that these are a very highly charged, holy ceremony.
The Basic Question of course is;
Do these Good Luck Charms and Magical Amulets work? Do they bring Good Luck and/or offer protection? A large number of Thai people swear they do. Many Thai’s attribute their winning the lottery, getting a major promotion or finding their soul mate because of the power in these Good Luck Charms/Magical Amulets. Many Thai people claim they were saved from being harmed in a major accident and many Thai policemen claimed to having been saved in a sticky situation from being either shot or stabbed because of the power in these Good Luck Charms/Magical Amulets.
So, do they “Really” work?
I know only this for sure. I have never seen a Thai soldier without one, a Thai policeman without one and every month when someone wins the Thai lottery, the person winning swears to everyone, that they won because of the power in their Good Luck Charm or Magical Amulet.
If all these people believe in these Charms and Amulets, who am I to say their wrong or crazy.
p.s. I wear one and I won a small lottery once and haven’t been shot yet. :-)
Good Luck Charms and Magical Amulets of Thailand
William is a retired American living in Lopburi, Thailand. He was a ordained Buddhist monk for a period of time. He enjoys playing golf and investigating the phenomenon of Good Luck Charms and Magical Amulets of Southeast Asia.
Galactic Empire, a Space-age Third Reich
Born in May of 1944, in Modesto, California, George Lucas lived a world away from the horrors of Fascist Germany. Yet its imprint is more than evident in Lucas’ life’s work and creative brainchild, the Star Wars Saga. Admitting that the Galactic Empire was based on Germany’s Third Reich, Lucas drew from history the characters and imagery needed to paint his evil regime. While some parallels are obvious�"such as the robotic white soldiers Lucas named “storm troopers,” the same name Hitler gave his personal bodyguards during World War II, other comparisons require a little digging. These comparisons make for a fascinating study.
Senator Palpatine and Adolf Hitler:
The story of Senator Palpatine as fleshed out in Episodes I, II, and III bears remarkable resemblance to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. Both men rose from obscurity to power, outwardly embracing democracy and the republic, while behind the scenes they worked for its ruin. In Episode II Senator Palpatine faces the dissolution of the senate with, “I love democracy…I love the republic,” while reluctantly accepting supreme power. It is unknown that he is also the Sith Lord, orchestrating the downfall of democracy. This echoes the history of Hitler, who also outwardly supported democracy, promising to play by its rules, all along forming a shadow government and an army among the ranks of his Nazi party. The similarity is most striking in the burning of the Jedi temple and the 1933 burning of the Reichstag which effectively dissolved the German senate. These spectacles were both masterminded to bring Palpatine and Hitler into power. Afterwards, Palpatine installs himself as Emperor, while Hitler declared himself “Fuhrer,” or supreme leader.
The leadership style of Palpatine continues to be modeled after Hitler, who then withdrew from the public eye and surrounded himself with only those whom he knew to be his loyal followers. While Hitler formed the SS�"a black-coated protection squad which protected him day and night and publicly carried out his orders, Palpatine as emperor created Darth Vader�"his black robed crony whose obedience to the Emperor extended to destroying whole planets. Hitler is remembered as evil embodied, and as such, Lucas could not have chosen a better figure to model Palpatine after.
Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker Parallels:
In German, vater means “father.” Thus, Vader is a most interesting and deliberate choice for a character who is the father of the spiritual Star Wars hero. This father-son relationship finds its parallel in the relationship between the German poet and political rebel Albrecht Haushofer and his father, Karl. Karl’s frequent travels to Japan greatly influenced his life and thinking. He was particularly entranced by the samurai--the Japanese military aristocracy which Lucas drew on heavily for inspiration for the Jedi. In the 1920s Karl became involved with Hitler through his close student, Rudolf Hess (who later was considered Hitler's #3 man after Goring). Karl became instrumental in forming the alliance between Germany and Japan. An additional interesting side note is that a geopolitical contemporary named Maull existed at this time. Maul was a contemporary sith of Anakin Skywalker.
Young Albrecht, in a poem entitled Der Vater, alludes to an evil that shows itself once every thousand years. When Star Wars begins the sith had not been seen for that long. The poem continues by saying that Albrecht's father had power to stop this evil but instead he unleashed it, a power and choice that Anakin Skywalker made before becoming Darth Vader. While Albrecht worked alongside his father at first, attempting to bring peace to Europe through a treaty with England and France, he later saw the futility of his actions and joined the Bomb plot to assassinate Hitler and restore balance and peace in Germany. Here George Lucas departs from history; for while Luke succeeds in overcoming the evil that his father embraced, Albrecht was not as fortunate. He was arrested for his treasonous involvement and shot by an SS commando as Russian troops entered Berlin. Karl was also imprisoned after the war. Perhaps the remembrance of his son prompted his death in 1946. Before his death, Darth Vader redeemed himself by throwing off the Emperor’s influence and restoring balance to the universe. He is last seen taking his place among Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, thus becoming the Jedi he once was. Karl’s last act in life also resembled the Jedi when he committed suicide by seppuku, the traditional Samurai method.
Nazi Echoes
The discerning eye recognizes the overt Nazi overtones apparent in the Galactic Empire. This is no accident. George Lucas reportedly told costume designer and military historian John Mollo that he wanted the “baddies” to look Fascist. The atmosphere of rigid control and dehumanization was the ideal of Hitler, whose armies marched in stiff procession, going beyond the description of disciplined to robotic. The uniforms and caps worn by imperial officers in Star Wars were modernized versions of 1915 Bavarian Chevaulgers. The throne room scene in Episode IV is reminiscent of a Nazi propaganda film, further painting the image that history repeats itself. In this way watchers of Star Wars gain a lesson in history.
About the Author Francesca Black has always enjoyed Science Fiction and she manages the content at: Science Fiction Corner
Finding Peace
No matter how stressed you get, no matter how life tests you or what challenges come up in your life, you can always find peace within. Everything you experience is teaching you something about yourself. You are being stretched to evolve your conscious awareness to its highest expression. Life is teaching you exactly what you need to know to learn and grow and realize your full potential:to self-realization. It's those times where your life seems chaotic, that you are too busy or too stressed, that you need to meditate the most. These are moments where you can breakthrough the mental patterns, limiting beliefs and fears and transcend. Each of us has an inner compass; an inner guidance mechanism that can help you through difficult times. As you gaze at the point between your eyebrows in meditation you align with the subtle currents of your own life force current, or spirit, that is always guiding you. Your "3rd Eye" is the place where you can dial in on the movement of energy that is guiding you, like a compass needle moving north your spirit can guide you within to gain clarity and insight. By meditating on this chakra you find greater happiness and peace. It has helped millions of people over thousands of years. But it only works if you use it. Each of us innately knows that the answers lie within us, each of us knows that the source of happiness and peace lies within too. This 3rd Eye Shaktipat meditation is the gateway to that inner knowing and inner strength. Through regular practice your ability to tune in gets stronger. The more you practice the easier it gets too, and the deeper you will go. But even though you know this, or sense it might be true, and have every intention to practice regularly, your mind is going to test you. Through the choices you make you pass through the gates of consciousness that brings you back home and to the promised land. Each time you override your mind's tendency to distract you and sit in meditation and tune in, you progress a little more on your path. The more you practice, the more powerful you become. The 3rd Eye meditation becomes even more powerful when you work with a teacher. The meditation in its pure form is not an exercise to get something or go somewhere, but rather a time to commune with the part of you that is already realized. It's a time when your body and mind can enjoy the presence of your own indwelling spirit and enjoy it. The practice is empowered by working with a teacher on the inner, were we join in spirit and merge in consciousness. My hand is reaching out to you. I invite you to join me and experience the sublime bliss that I had spent a lifetime looking for, and now I have found it I want to share it with you. Listen to our Internet radio station on called Enlightenment Radio (, download some MP3's or get some CD's, take a class when you are ready but don't deny yourself the joy and peace that this meditation will provide. I will meet you there. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir
Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!
Improve Your Sales by Going outside Your Comfort Zone
Most people rather be dead than move out of their comfort zone. While there is nothing wrong with comfort zones in order to expand our cold calling skills and succeed in sales we sometimes have to move out of our comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory. The first step is to break away from old and rusty sales habits that we have build up over time Make a list of everything that you want to do or improve on in your sales career what you’d like to accomplish, the results you want to achieve and how you will go about accomplishing that. When you have determined your goals and objectives you can then take the next step in making them reality. "The reality is we need to understand that coming out of our comfort zone and feeling uncomfortable is part of the process of the first step to achieving sales success" says Claudine Waskowycz. Some sales people use the discomfort as a reason not break away from old habits. What this means is that they don’t achieve their true potential. We must learn to tolerate discomfort in order to grow in the sales industry. Don’t avoid success because you think the responsibility might be too much. She goes on to say, "change is always frightening when we first step out into the unknown, but we can only improve upon ourselves and our lives by meeting and greeting our fears head on and passing through the fear, once we have met it head on we find it isn’t so frightening after all. So do something that scares you every week." Overcoming obstacles and beating the odds. Here are some tips from Claudine in which you can step outside your comfort zone. •Don't let someone steal your dream. Dreaming about success is great, but there are millions of poor dreamers. Taking action on just one thought or dream can lead to an avalanche of sales. You MUST act on your actions. •Every sales champion has learned to not only operate out of their comfort zone, but to thrive on continually pushing their sales in directions that take them outside of their comfort zone. •Expecting no resistance. Many new sales people give up at the first sign of resistance. Sales champions expect resistance - even drive to create it. Success is achieved by breaking through pockets of resistance. •Create a mindset of a sales champion. Why? Because Ordinary wouldn’t be enough for someone who has the mindset of a champion. Champions think like champions. Champions think big. Champions work toward big goals. Champions are focused. Champions are disciplined and oozes great attitude. Think like true sales Champions and tell yourself day and night that you can and will reach your goals.
Claudine Waskowycz is a veteran telemarketing, telesales and cold calling expert, sales trainer, who worked with dozens of organisations to transform their business and sales. She is also the author of, The Cold Calling Game (soon to be released) … is Up and My Sales Conversation Guide. For more resources on improving your sales results visit
Have You Ever Had Your Palm Red? Online Psychic Readings Are As Easy As 1, 2, 3
Okay, I couldn't resist flashing back to childishness and old jokes, and I don't have any red paint on me at the moment. Nowadays, you don't need to leave your own home to have an online psychic reading of your future and like everything else, you will find it online. You can even train to be a psychic online because many psychics are offering to teach you how. They ?provide clear information? about the latest psychical research with news from ?trustworthy? official psychic organizations with the official bodies and federations, along with teaching about psychic abilities and offer to teach you how to do readings. There are classes, study courses, clairvoyance readings practice, just to name a few options. You can learn to read Tarot cards and different practices such as Mediumistic and Rune readings, along with listening to audio recordings of the New Age gurus. Some online psychics invite you to visit their chat rooms and be social with other psychics and meet new people.
There are true psyches around, and the good ones offer their services for the good of others. Many work for police departments looking for missing people or searching for bad people. True psychics are not out to clean you out and some do make a living out of telling people their futures. There are many though that are just complete thieves and those are the ones you need to look out for. They promote themselves as clairvoyants or psychics and claim they have powers that enable them to read a persons future, make contact with a dead loved one, or tell you who your going to marry. However, they are not psychics, they just have the ability to read people well and tell them what they want to hear, and all the while filling their pockets with peoples' hard earned money. Here are a few tips to help you see a fraud psychic.
? The most common method is ?cold reading,? this involves reading body language, and listening to your voice.
? Over confidence is a good warning, if they build themselves up to were they can do no wrong, watch out!
? Questions about your background. This is unnecessary, if a ?psychic asks you where were you born, your parents religion, or even educational level, move on.
? Gaining your cooperation in advance. These ?psychics? claim they need your full cooperation and if nothing happens, you weren't a ?true believer.?
Now, you are not able to see these things with online psychic reading, so you should be very careful when paying for online readings. Try not to take online psychic readings too seriously and use them for what they are there for, to have fun and to satisfy your curiosity about online psychics. Do you really want to know what your future holds for you? Wouldn't you rather be surprised about what exciting things the future holds for you and yours?
Leeanna is an expert author writing for online psychic reading
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