Nothing grabs the attention more than a good end of the world prophecy, but this time this one makes you take notice, which is the 2012 prophecy.
Mayan's 2012 prophecy states that end of times will occur on December 21, 2012. As history points you, this ancient tribe was extremely proficient in looking at stars and celestial alignments. Astronomy was their forte and they built calender based on star movements. Yes, this calender ends at this date.
What's so special with December 21, 2012?
Well, it turns out that there is a very special galactical event occurring - once every 26,000 years. The event is the alignment between Earth, the Sun and the Milky Way Galaxy. On that day, the winter solstice, the sun will line up with the direct middle of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Personally, I love a good prophecy or conspiracy. It peaks the interest and makes you wonder. Much like Y2K was going to be the end all for modern humanity, 2012 will mark a new age in science too. To that extent, the prophecies are correct that one time will end and another will start. That said change will bring doomsday is extremely doubtful.
December 21, 2012
Meditative gains
It doesn't need a genius to know that you can feel and look better when your body is well rested. Now, you can even feel and look better and even rejuvenate your body through meditation.
Maria Duval repeats to me in her latest reply that meditation can be very fun, resting and healing for my tired soul. For example, she says I can use meditation to rest my mind from the busy schedule and hyped up emotions accumulated during the day.
Meditation can also help you quiet your physical body's intellectual and emotional chatter and allow your higher consciousness to affect your creativity.
Like anything you use your body for, meditation requires practice. The more you meditate, the clearer your system will become. The healing, rejuvenating qualities of meditation will become apparent in your appearance and behavior. The release of stress will bring a new sense of well-being, even if you only meditate for a short time.
Meditation has brought a sense of peace and well-being into many people's lives, and it can work for you. All you have to invest is a little time to feel, look and be a happier you.
Thanks Maria Duval.
Comes from your within
Do you feel scared or highly at ease? You believe that outlook of life should be in abundance, joy and happiness or scarcity, pessimism or regret?
As you know, Maria Duval stresses to me the importance of focus in right area. If you put your thoughts on fear, fear will engulf your life in its various forms. If you focus on good side of life like laughter, joy and happiness, plenty of it will enter your life conversely.
I strongly believe that feeling joyous should not be a rare experience we only experience some of the time. That should be the attitude of life. Wonderful things should happen to us too!
It is actually damaging to you to focus on anything other than joy. That may be a dramatic statement to make but it's true. You own happiness is at stake every time you focus your attention on anything other than feeling happy!
Tell yourself to feel happy in life, it has to come from within. And when you do hit this wonderful state when you are living a consistently joyful life experience - nothing can ever touch you.