
Comes from your within

Do you feel scared or highly at ease? You believe that outlook of life should be in abundance, joy and happiness or scarcity, pessimism or regret?

As you know, Maria Duval stresses to me the importance of focus in right area. If you put your thoughts on fear, fear will engulf your life in its various forms. If you focus on good side of life like laughter, joy and happiness, plenty of it will enter your life conversely.

I strongly believe that feeling joyous should not be a rare experience we only experience some of the time. That should be the attitude of life. Wonderful things should happen to us too!

It is actually damaging to you to focus on anything other than joy. That may be a dramatic statement to make but it's true. You own happiness is at stake every time you focus your attention on anything other than feeling happy!

Tell yourself to feel happy in life, it has to come from within. And when you do hit this wonderful state when you are living a consistently joyful life experience - nothing can ever touch you.

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