Maria Duval has taught that it is extremely important for your well-being to imagine positive thoughts and belief into you such that your subconsciousness will welcome these to the extent that beneficial events like health and successes will blossom.
By frequent repetition of positive affirmations, one can go about to achieve this goal.
Repetition of strong positive affirmations possesses a real power. The repetition, whether conscious or subconscious, of negative thoughts, will end up manifesting in unlucky and unfavourable events in your life, whereas, the repetition of positive thoughts from a positive source of belief, will lead to success.
This principle from Maria Duval goes like this: by concentrating on a positive thought, you create and feel a positive reality. If you concentrate wealth, you will experience wealth. If you concentrate on your job success, you will experience your job success.
For example, "I am more and more convinced that great wonderful moments are coming to my life in the future", or "a positive mental attitude is an unlimited source of well-being, happiness, abundance, success and health."
Maria Duval says that most efficient method is to say them as often as possible throughout the day, in your head or read out. Think about its deeper meaning as you repeat them, allow them to sink into your mind.
The most important times to repeat it are of course in the morning when you just wake up or before you sleep in the evening.You can also write them down in large piece of papers and stick it on the wall so that you see them regularly.
I wish you to be positive and fruitful in life!
Positive Affirmations
On Spiritual Practice
It goes without any saying that most of the tasks in the world are the toughest right at the beginning. Similarly for spiritual practice. Maria Duval tells me that even though a person may have the best thoughts to better the quality of life and to connect more with one's partnership with own spirit, it is at the start that a divide must be formed among many other rivalling options so that what did not exist before can be given space within an otherwise squeezed and dedicated life.
Having determined to proceed with such a habit, the initial step that is needed is to: be basic. Embark on you can gain and don't hope to attempt what seems unlikely to do or infeasible to do. Slowly, higher degree of challenge can be appended.
Next, please be creative. What is most crucial in establishing contact with the indwelling Spirit and with the spiritual around oneself is to be in a place that feels sacred, a place that communicates a sense of the higher realms and of the invisible, not a place that is ordinary or filled with the vibrations of others. Allow your creativity to find a way to define or locate a sacred space in which you can create an altar which represents your commitment to your spiritual practice.
Also, be committed. Be obliging to settle in front of your altar and breathe quietly with your hand over your heart center in the center of your chest, allowing your mind to let go of thoughts as best as it can. In beginning, there is no more needed than this: to sit, to breathe, to bring energy to your heart center, to try to empty your mind.
Frequent practice of this very simple kind, whether for fifteen or twenty minutes daily as Maria Duval suggests, will begin to make an inroad into your body's knowledge of what is actually happening. It will begin to open the lines of communication between your everyday physical self and your soul-self that exists as another layer of your being.
Fear Not
Do you feel things are not going your way? Does it ever seem like things aren't going you way? Does it ever seem like you're wondering, "How am I going to get out of this, how am I going to solve this? Why do I have to do this when I'd rather be doing that? How many I going to cope with the losses? How am I going to cope without a job?
Maria Duval says "Fear not". Life is all about attracting of good things in you.
You see, I realized that I had been attracting what I focused on with belief all of my life.
The problem was, in those days, most of what I focused on was what I did not want! Actually, most people make this mistake.
For example, most people are focusing on fear, lack and the negative headlines about world economy and end of world, and so it is no wonder that things continue to take a downward slide. Whenever there is a pullback in stock market, you will see hordes of doomsday analysts talking about "double dip" or another round of job slash.
Well on the whole, if we want to make the world a better place, then we will all need to learn how to think and behave more positively. We can’t just tell people to stop being negative because this will simply strengthen their attitude.
Latest Maria Duval Video
For those who are still denying the existence of Maria Duval, or insisting that she is a fake, here is a very recent video of her I found at youtube.
It shows Maria Duval being interviewed in Russia in November 2008. In this interview, she made some predictions too. Personally, I really hope she can appear in the media more often so that people will look at her at a more positive light.