Theresa received a nice surprise of the extra money, as predicted by Maria Duval on her.
"Dear Maria Duval,
Today I got a check of $500.00. Sure was nice to get the extra money when I needed it.
All the things you said are coming true. You gave me strength and hope. I feel things are going to change.
When I needed a friend you were there. Also nice to know, I trust you. Keep the letters coming.
Thanks for all the help.
Your devoted friend
Theresa D.
p.s. My writing is not the best."
Sincerest Congratulations to her . I'm sure her life is even better now.
Extra money received
She has a feeling of calm and joy
Sharon D wrote this letter to Maria Duval earlier this year.
"I am writing to you today to let you know how things have been going in my life. It has been a little while since I had received the ring of prosperity.
I can tell you one of my wishes was a reconciliation with my sister’s family. I had not heard from them since my sister’s death. November 13 was my first contact! It is a slow process but I will stay positive & know we are on the road to betterness.
Also I wished for better health, (I have spine problems) & voila; I am off all medication doing my exercises & feeling much better.
I feel stronger & more sure of myself. I am at a turning point in my life. I can feel it. May I say it is a good feeling; a feeling of calm & joy. I have to say I deserve this. It has been a rough few years past. I just felt you should know how I was doing. Thank you for all your help it is greatly appreciated.
Thanks Maria Duval.
Sharon D.
Nice to hear your story, Sharon D.
Making a difference
I'm glad to know more people are discovering that Maria Duval can actually make a better difference to their lives - only if you believe in her and have faith in her ability. I mean, this is how all things in the Universe works, which is by FAITH.
When you take a lift, you have faith in the builders and engineers behind the lifts, that the lift won't snap and free fall down the lift chute. I'm just using it as an example we are living our lives based on faith on other people. Same thing, have faith in the true psychic works of Maria Duval and you will see the results that you wish for.
I'll post some testimonies I received over the months. It's really nice to share.