
Maria Duval - Does Wicca Witchcraft Really "Work"?

Does Wicca Witchcraft Really "Work"?
Many people wonder exactly how your thoughts and emotions focused to bring love into your life (for example), can actually make real love happen. This interaction between energies is where your belief of a higher power comes in to play.

There are mysterious forces at work when you put your focused thoughts and emotions to work. Whatever your specific beliefs are �" there are things in this world that defy our logic and understanding. If you are like me, you have a sense that there is “something looking down on me” �" sometimes even shielding you from harm.

No matter what your specific Magick path becomes, you will soon begin to realize that this same “higher power” has some control over the interaction of your Magick energy with events in your life, and the world.

The Core You Can’t Ignore In Your Witchcraft Path

There are many things involved in being a Witch, no matter what specific path you follow. Some of them change based on your path (which I go over in detail in my Home Academy), but there is one “core” thing you must follow.

This “core” is where you draw all of your power �" all of your Magick energy. And neglecting it will grind your Magick spell work to a screeching halt. Nothing will work without this core connection.

This core I keep talking about is your connection to nature �" above all. I’m not saying you need to move out to the forest and build a makeshift hut out of pine branches. But you need to devote yourself to nature, and try to expose yourself to her every day.

It can be as simple as finding a special tree in your backyard, and spending time next to it a few times a week (like I show you in the nature daily devotional later in this book).

You have to understand that you come from nature �" and so does the energy you control. Connecting yourself to nature on a weekly basis will increase your bond with nature, and allow you to more easily tap into it’s hidden energy.

Think of nature as your protector, and your giver of special powers. You wouldn’t ignore someone special, like your best friend �" would you? In the same way, to ignore nature �" your protector, your giver of special powers �" would be to completely “give up” your Magick powers.

Magick Tidbit #1: Please, for the sake of this beautiful world we live in, take it upon yourself to help protect nature. Support all efforts to preserve nature around the world, and do your part to keep our world beautiful.

So keep an eye out for the nature daily devotional later to find out how to strengthen your connection with nature to have better success with your Magick work and spells.

Lastly, throughout the reading of this book �" and your Magick workings beyond �" always keep in mind your connection with nature. If you pay attention, and nurture your connection, nature will allow you to bring your dreams into your life. It will allow you to create your miracles, just remember that.

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on wicca witchcraft visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

Origin of Chinese Horoscopes
The Origin of Chinese Horoscopes was based on the legend which in the sixth century B.C. the Jade Emperor invited all the animals in creation to a race, only twelve showed up: the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Lamb, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig, and according to their places in the race, the Jade Emperor had given them each a number starting with the Rat who was the winner of the race. Since rat is the winner, rat is the first symbol of Chinese zodiac sign. The twelve animals became the symbols of Chinese astrology and they symbolize every year which complete the Chinese horoscopes of every 12 years. Since then, the Chinese horoscope has been in use in the Orient for thousands of years, and it is still consulted by millions of people on a daily basis. Its twelve animal signs are similar to the twelve signs of the Western Zodiac, but are determined by the year you were born rather than the month. In this Chinese horoscopes, it involves Chinese astrology that based on the lunar cycle which takes 12 years to complete. It includes also the five elements such as metal, water, wood, fire, and earth. This serves as the modifiers that subtle the nature of whatever they represent. And for balancing all the elements and all forces in the universe, the term Yin and Yang is responsible. Here are the 12 animals that serves as symbols of Chinese Horoscopes which represent every year. The first one is the Rat was welcomed in ancient times as a protector and bringer of material prosperity. It is an animal associated with aggression, wealth, charm, and order, yet also associated with death, war, the occult, pestilence, and atrocities. The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. The Tiger is associated with good fortune, power, and royalty, is viewed with both fear and respect. Their protection and wisdom is sought after. The Rabbit is the fourth symbol which make ideal diplomats or politicians. In Chinese astrological thought, a "rabbit person" is graceful, cultured, well-mannered, articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. The Dragon is the only mythical creature in the Chinese zodiac. In China, dragons are associated with strength, health, harmony, and good luck; they are placed above doors or on the tops of roofs to banish demons and evil spirits. The snake is usually considered attractive, wise and enchanting. The Snake person loves books, music, clothes, fine food and wine; but with all their fondness for the finer things in life, their innate grace and elegance gives them a dislike for frivolities, small minds and foolish talk. The Horse personality is often willing to give as well as expect a lot of liberty. These people are extremely independent and confident. The horse person is very quick-witted, inquisitive and determined. The Goat or Sheep is thought to be the most artistic or creative sign of the zodiac. The Sheep is artistically talented and has a great sense of fashion. The Monkey is the most versatile sign of the Chinese zodiac. Such people are often inventors, plotters, entertainers and the creative geniuses behind anything ingenious, including mischief. The Rooster is usually very observant. They are brave and resilient. The Dog is Loyal. He is the one who people are most likely to turn to when they need help. The dog person will come through every time. And The Pig, is usually an honest, straightforward and patient person. They are a modest, shy character who prefers to work quietly behind the scenes. When others despair, they are often there to offer support. This type of person is reserved with those they do not know too well, but as time passes and they gain confidence, those around them may discover a lively and warm-hearted person behind that mask of aloofness. These are the twelve animal sign that completes the Chinese Zodiac sign.

The Writer Lloydie used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer live tarot reading, free daily horoscope, numerology and more.

Perception of psychic reading

Today, the psychic reading has become as one of the businesses in world which has a lot of worth. Each day of the week a millions of people are inching towards the psychic readers so as to get satisfied regarding the prospects. A psychic reader is he who simply gives the know how of an individual’s past, present and future. Today we are going to discuss some important versions of psychic readings such as Tarot, Online, Live online and psychic phone reading. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Styles of Psychic Reading

Online psychic reading

The online psychic reading has been emerged as the most incredible and influential technique to the society’s people all around the world. It has four different kinds of artistic elements. These are sparkling, traditional, Egyptian, and dreamscape psychic readings. The entire scheme would revolve around the cultural web of experiences like love, sexuality, money, education, career etc. Moreover the functionalities of spell caster and wish granter have also been the brilliance of online psychic readings. Sudden trials of online spiritual reader would be treated under the symbols of time and space. A particular choice of channel would be given to the client as a conduct of online psychic reading. Where free horoscope services would also be given to the clients. Hence the online as well as the live online psychic reading is done in a pretty cheap way by the psychic reader without consuming a lot of time. It would involve tarot card, live online, love spells, astrology, palmistry etc psychic readings.

Psychic phone Reading

A psychic phone reading is the most prolific choice of an individual who wants to know about his life profile. It is not interlinked with a straight forward meeting and confrontation. However a state of mind of phone psychic reader does tend towards the procession of space and time where it has no binding forces either from the natural and supernatural world. He although strictly follow the spiritual lessons of his monks. Such types of psychic readers might have the arts of tarot card, online psychic reading, live online psychic reading astrology, palmistry; distant learning’s etc.They would charge their amount of payments through the online services of credit cards or any intermediate. Before consulting a phone psychic reader you have to follow some kinds of practices. These are discussed as under.

Commands of phone Psychic Reading

Before consulting and choosing a phone psychic reader, the person must have the knowledge of psychic reading. He should have the information regarding to its history, background and the certain types of implications.

  • A proper know how of the methods would give you a sort of confidence before choosing a phone psychic reader.
  • A complete list of questions would give an emphatic level of satisfaction at the end of consultation.
  • The questions with full of command would give a clarity without answering the yes and no.
  • During the phone psychic therapy, the unpicked answers must be questioned again. That would revolve a more solid belief upon the psychic reader.
  • Before calling a phone psychic reader, make it clear that he would be the spiritual person in your life who could bring stunning miracle in your life. It’s all about the beliefs.

Tarot Reading

It is one of the ancient times art which is still revolving around this earth now a day. A trot reading is the injunction of imagination. The artist would predict about the love spells, wonder, career, edification and knowledge. The methodology is quite concise and traditional. A deck of 78 cards would be employed by the tarot reader. He would give a sudden prediction of an individual profile by implementing the play cards. This is in fact recognized as the tarot reading. It is more influential in the concerns of religion, ambiguity, sensations, reverence and occult dreams.

Tarot psychic reading has several kinds of divergence and actions in its terminologies during the exhibition of cards. An optimistic web of happy and dark predictions abruptly spread over to the receiver. Every tarot card has it uniqueness because of the divergent character. Yet alike deck of tarot card might have the same sort of forecasting to the receiver. Indeed a tarot card is the art of divergence.

Concluding Remarks

By having discussed the above mentioned topic, we can conclude that a psychic reading is not the art of someone common. It is the art of some culturally oriented people who have the strong learning’s and grip on the spirits of space and time. They would enchant the people by tarot, online, live online and phone psychic readings etc. Society has got to belief in these artists because they could change the life within a minute.

Content Writer at PsychicCosmos.com Online Psychic Reading

The Awareness of Metaphysical Laws and Principles Part 5

Humanity as a whole is experiencing a cosmic slumber in which the Real is forsaken and the dream of Maya, of illusions, delusions and glamors perpetuated. In this prolonged dream human beings suffer, they experience pain and disease, they grow old, decay, and eventually pass through transition--a meaningless life if viewed from a materialistic perspective. Even the lighter side of this dream with its varied pleasures is incapable of consoling the weary soul who has tasted most of what the materialistic life has to offer. Human beings in general, are angry and confused, their sense of identity being displaced. Not knowing the purpose of life they indulge in sensuous entertainments that degrade and retrogresses the soul. Unaware of the object of their spiritual existence and the nature of their being, they run away from physical reality with its harshful but needful disciplines and resort to forms of escapism such as seeking solace in pills, in alcohol, or in self-termination. Not realizing the Comforter within, they seek answers without from psychics, fortune tellers, and mediums, and so-called Gurus--the ubiquitous "father-mother" figures.

With all the mental and emotional confusion, religion, science, and a materialistic philosophy fail to provide adequate answers that would give a proper meaning to the word "life" to the suffering soul. How then does one find a way out of the darkness? By returning to basic principles which lies at the foundation of a spiritual way of life, an the understanding of those laws which brought the universe into being. One should harmonize one's way of life with Cosmic Laws and not violate them. Probing the nature and purpose of those Laws and principles one senses the import of God's Plan of evolution. Living in accord with that Plan leads to a purposeful and meaningful life. Studying the ontological life of man and the universe cannot help but upgrade the quality of man's philosophy and attitude towards life, and when daily applied, yield positive results in soul-growth. The transformation of society begins with the enlightened living of an individual. All of the problems in society may be traced to lethargic individuals who procrastinates in maturing spiritually. The metaphysician, as a preceptor of spiritual values, should, therefore, strive to reach and teach those individuals comprising society the laws and principles of harmony, abundance, and creativity ere an enlightened standard of life is to be seen on a social scale. The Laws and principles dealt with briefly in this paper are helpful in aiding metaphysicians to stimulate individuals with the qualities of inertia and excessive inharmonious motion (misapplied energy) as related to their spiritual evolution. Perhaps the two most important laws that we did not discuss heretofore but are essential in improving one's understanding of life are the laws of reincarnation and karma. The expositions of these laws are to be found in various literature relating to the spiritual side of life.

All of the Laws and principles that we have discussed and those that have not been dealt with but are o be found in spiritual literature should be infused in individuals of all strata of society. Our modern methods of communication, and the various media make it feasible for the modern metaphysician to reach out to hundreds of individuals at a given moment. It is said that a person does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. It is incumbent upon the metaphysician, his moral duty, to be God's mouth-piece and to offer heavenly manna to humanity. Manna may be sweet in the mouth but bitter in the stomach--or contrawise; nevertheless, people must be awakened and made aware of their higher destiny which goes beyond the bounds of the physical plane. Life here is precious and it should not be wasted. The opportunities it provides for the evolving soul are incalculable.

A philosophy of life based on eternal values is a priceless gift that any person may give to the aching heart. Even a single law of Truth may transform a negative expression when applied in a sincere manner. This may start a chain-reaction in which a single act of kindness executed in one's field of awareness may eventually save a person in dire distress, a person living at the opposite end of the globe, and beyond one's conscious knowing. If "evil" has the power to destroy, love has even more power to construct and save. A spiritual, metaphysical education is as essential as an academic one. A balanced educational system in which the spiritual side of man is developed in conjunction with the intellect creates a harmonious growth of man's innate divinity. In psychological terms, this is the unification and usage of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and is the foundation of our modern accelerated learning methods.


In this paper we have put forth our two themes concerning the Absolute Reality of man's nature and the conventional, relative reality that man consciously or unconsciously create in his everyday life. We have also dealt with the many Laws and principles related to these two forms of reality and how they may be applied in the metaphysical field. We have noted, for instance, how a metaphysical awareness of another's divine identity raises and stimulates that person's consciousness. In the section on healing, we have seen the importance of clearing the causes of inharmony within the body as well as the symptoms; we have likewise shown how the psychosomatic principles of man may be healed by the many exoteric and esoteric methods, and of the usage of world-scriptures as a medium for conveying the eternal, metaphysical truths, and the mystical interpretation thereof has likewise been dealt in a succinct manner.

We have also looked at the higher, spiritual principles of man ruling instincts, and how they apply to a greater philosophy of life. Furthermore, we have discussed how the various Laws and principles may assist in man's spiritual unfoldment, and ultimately, the transformation of society. From the above, we may conclude how an awareness and understanding of the many principles and laws of life are important for the metaphysician to apprehend, and how the conveyance to the masses of God's Plan for man's soul-evolution may be consummated.

Knowing the importance of Divine Laws and principles that aid soul-evolution--we suggest that further research and investigation be made in this field through meditation and contemplation; and through the study of traditional, spiritual wisdom of every past and present culture and civilization. The more we know about ourselves, and the universe that we live in, the more we will live in accord with the grand design of the Universal Mind. It would be helpful for metaphysicians to compile an encyclopedia of Cosmic Laws and principles with examples of their application, not only in the metaphysical field, but in daily life as well. This would be a great reference for the practitioner. what we know about life is still merely the tip of the iceberg. One thing that we should avoid is the crystallization of the mind with its expression of complacency, arrogance, and fanaticism. Such a mind refuses to grow and search for truths for fear of the unveiling of the unknown. Making the "unknown" known is the raison d'être of the metaphysician.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore
Leonard Lee aka Luxamore
Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.
Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc.
Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.

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Are you struggling over the answers to life's little questions, have unanswered questions of your own, or maybe just wish to see how your thought and morals add up against others throughout the world. Well, then you will be glad to know there is now a place that will help reveal the answers of life, where you will find answers to many of your questions, and of course learn if others have the same thoughts as you on many subject. The place is StatNova.com. At StatNova.com, you can join and ask questions to people throughout the world choosing various categories such as Sports, School & Work, Sex, Love & Relationships, The Paranormal, Personal Habits, Entertainment, Family, Politics, Food & Drink, Philosophy & Religion, and Morality. You can even answer questions in all of these categories and then learn what others have answered. Once you answer one of the questions, you will be taken to a page that list the responses of others that have answered that same question broken down into categories such as age, gender, race, religion, status, orientation, and politics for those that have added this to their profile. Learn what others in your age group or gender think on the same exact subject. You do not have to worry about any of this information being sent out to others, as there are no names listed only the percentage of people answering in each group. Learn the secret to life's questions like: Sports - Who is the second greatest basketball player ever? School & Work - Do you really use your college education at your work? Sex - How often would you like to have sex? Love and Relationships - Can you be in love with two people at the same time? The Paranormal - Can a house really be haunted? Personal Habits - Where are you the most ticklish? Entertainment - Who's the most annoying TV or radio personality? Family - Are you close with your siblings? Politics - Who should be our next president? Food & Drink - Who makes the best pizza? Philosophy & Religion - What is the meaning of life? Morality - Could you 'Pull the plug? No other website on the net, delves into these questions where each and every person can ask questions that are perplexing their life without the worry of someone learning who they are. You can ask any question under the sun and learn what others think and feel about the topic, you may be quite surprised to learn that are many out there that feel the same way or you may not like the responses. Either way you will enjoying all the answers of real people just like you that also need answers. Join in the fun whether your questions are serious or whimsical and learn where you rank in the world for all the various answers. You may even learn something about yourself you never knew or learn that you are unique in your thoughts.

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The Ender Saga: A Noteworthy Science Fiction series
January 1985 marks the beginning of America’s love affair with Ender Wiggin. It was that month that Ender’s Game was published, becoming an instant blockbuster, and “probably the most popular science fiction novel published in the last twenty years” (John Kessel). The child prodigy and ultimate savior of the earth, Ender Wiggin, had appeared seven years earlier in a short story published in the science fiction magazine Analog. Writer Orson Scott Card had spent much of his young life working in print, but had only set to writing science fiction when his meager salary as copy editor at a small press failed to pay a debt incurred from a failed business attempt. His magazine article won instant attention, and Orson Scott Card won the 1978 John C. Campbell Award for best new writer at the World Science Fiction Convention. But little Ender was destined for bigger things.

Orson Scott Card saw potential in his young protagonist and instantly set to work developing the short fiction into a longer work. Already he had two novels in mind, Ender’s Game and its sequel Speaker for the Dead, published the following year in 1986. Card made history by winning both the prestigious Nebula and Hugo Awards in both consecutive years. No other author has managed this feat to date (2006.) Since that time, Ender’s Game has been translated into sixteen languages, and spawned two series.

The first series includes Ender’s Game (1985), Speaker for the Dead (1986), Xenocide (1991), Children of the Mind (1996), and First Meetings (2002). The saga follows Ender as he grows into adulthood and deals with the moral and ethical issues presented in his childhood.

The second series starts with a parallel telling of the original Ender’s Game, but from the eyes of Bean. Titled Ender’s Shadow (1999), it is the first of the Shadow Series, followed by Shadow of the Hegemon (2001), Shadow Puppets (2002), and Shadow of the Giant (2005).

Ender’s Game has been called “the science fiction novel for people who don’t think they like science fiction.” Truly it appeals to a vast audience. It is on the list of top books for college-bound students, and has been adopted as required reading in numerous secondary schools and university classes. Card explains that the focus on the human story as it unravels, rather than the science fiction elements, is what gives the novel power among its readers. Essentially, Card says, readers must relate and care deeply about the characters. Beyond that, he admits that the use of computer networks and the “mind game” are features in the book that appeal to many readers.

Ender claimed the spotlight again in the late 1990s when rumor caught wind that a film was slated. Indeed, Warner Brothers announced in 2002 its plans to produce the film. Director Wolfgang Peterson, known for his most recent films Poseidon, Troy and The Perfect Storm, is joined by screenwriter David Benieff (Troy). The movie is expected to hit the theaters in 2008. After winning the top prizes offered in science fiction literature, one wonders what is still in store for Ender Wiggen.

About the Author Francesca Black has always enjoyed Science Fiction and she manages the content at: Science Fiction Corner http://www.science-fiction-corner.com

Vois online community for Way for People and Businesses to Connect
A community site became one of the popular websites in today’s world since the existence of internet. Practically, this is one way of connecting to other people who cannot be seen directly or frequently through a social meeting. One of the advantages of the web is to get connected with other people. In a click of a mouse, you can access the profiles of an individual and can meet them without being physically available. This cyber connection helps people socially acquainted, get updated from ones social status, learn about their thoughts through blogs, and see their latest appearance through their pictures and many others. Getting connected is the key. These community sites are increasing offering different and unique features to its members. Some of the popular ones are friendster, my space, multiply, and tag. There is also community site that specially caters to a certain group of people such as VOIS. VOIS caters to people aging 30 to 50 who are basically into serious involvement to career and relationships and have different interests than teens. The member to this community can promote himself as well as his business aside form mere socializing. If you look at the website at first glance, it is presented in a simple formal manner with menus including blogs, forums, groups, classifieds and events. This feature is rarely seen in some common community sites. In the blog menu, it displays the blogs entered into by the members for everyone to see. Nevertheless, it is categorized on the certain subject. This feature specialize the interest of the members. Same is true to groups where you can choose the group that you want to belong in an alphabetical form. You can choose whether you belong to a group interested in activities, automobiles, business and entrepreneur, cities and neighborhood and so on and so forth. With this you get connected to a people whom you can relate to. In fact you can further voice out your thoughts through the Forum. The forums are also made available for the members to see. This is a very interesting plot because it provides significant information on the thoughts of the members regarding a given subject. One can actually use this as a resource for man’s opinion and issues on a particular subject. These are also presented categorically. The menu on Classified is the commerce part where on can promote, advertise or search for jobs, housing rentals, services, personals, items for sale, autos and sale, items wanted and miscellaneous. Events menu displays the featured events, search events and events made with its description. This too is arranged categorically by place and groups. Of course there are also others in the menu like home, help, join, search, sign in and search engine for existing member but this are also common to other network community. Vois dot com, basically creates a formal network of people with particular interest who wants to be connected to a group which he feels has the same interest as him. The groupings are arranged categorically and presented in a simple format that one can readily click into. This site protects its members from spammers who may take advantage of the member’s profile. Being a member in Vois dot com does not only widen your social network but also expand your commerce opportunities as well as give you significant information in relating to other people.

http://www.vois.com is one of the fastest growing, social commerce/ social networking communities for people ages 30-50. With Vois -- members can create their own digital identity to make friends, find romance or do business. Unlike traditional social networking websites, which prohibit promotion of business.

Clairvoyance | Voluntary And Involuntary Clairvoyance
The direct translation of the word ?clairvoyance? is ?clear sight?.It is defined as the ability to perceive or even see with the ?mind?s eye? something that is going on in a remote location without any previous knowledge of the event. Most paranormal professionals and enthusiasts believe that psychic ability resides (albeit unlocked) within every human being. Their belief is that most people do not tap into their clairvoyance because they are either too unaware or unwilling to unveil it, and that it takes perseverance to develop one?s own personal psychic abilities. In other words, everyone has a second sight but it has to be awakened. Don?t worry ? you don?t have to obtain a tarot reading or call a psychic phone reading line. It just takes some introspection.

There are two basic types of clairvoyant abilities ? voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary clairvoyance is generally seen as a good, positive thing whereas involuntary is usually considered dark, negative, and possibly even dangerous. Most psychics maintain that voluntary clairvoyance is obtained through good, healthy, and generous living, plus the willingness to reach deep within one?s own psyche and see invisible things. Involuntary clairvoyance is forced upon its victim, and the person has no control over when and where it happens. In this state, the involuntarily clairvoyant person is generally believed to be open to malevolent spiritual influences and may face the danger of being totally possessed by a malicious being.

Many people trying to develop their clairvoyant abilities tend to assume that once they have had a breakthrough, they will now know everything that is going to happen for the rest of their lives. Learned psychics urge: This is not the truth! It takes caution and proper cultivation of the psychic abilities to have a healthy connection to the unseen world. It is also important not to push your limits or the limits of the unseen energy surrounding you. People who study the paranormal insist that to do so is to play with fire and possibly invite dark influences into your life. These people usually put it something like this: In the physical world, things are not as subject to change as they are in the unseen world or ? as some call it ? the world of desires. Because of this, professional clairvoyants and studiers of the paranormal world insist that people serious about developing their clairvoyance be trained before they try anything too advanced.

Many parapsychologists suggest that human beings are born clairvoyant and most remain so at least for the first year of life. Dependent on his or her environment and his or her own development of personal spirituality, the child may maintain this increased level of sensitivity or see it diminish, if not disappear entirely. These psychics suggest that it takes positive clairvoyance to truly and accurately interpret the unseen world, and warn against the accidental cultivation of negative energy and involuntary or negative clairvoyance that invite negativity and evil influences into the lives of everyone involved.

Clairaudience is a similar type of psychic ability, except that it entails hearing things that are otherwise invisible or inaudible to other people. Considered by many psychics to be the voices of spirits in another world, most people claim to hear the voices in their minds or ?inside? their heads, rather than through their physical ears ? although some claim to hear as though it were from the physical world, despite the lack of a sensory source.

Malcolm Moorhouse is a professional psychic, tarot and astrology reader with over 16 years experience. Email: psychic@psychics4you.co.uk Web: www.psychics4you.co.uk www.psychicreading4you.co.uk