
Maria Duval - The Importance Of Knowing Yourself

The Importance Of Knowing Yourself
Knowing yourself is a very important task that one has to undertake and the most challenging as well. When one knows who he is and clearly understands what he wants, then he has a better option of discovering how to reach his own success, personal fulfillment and happiness.

Knowing one’s true and inner self will be of great help in working to reach one’s goals more effectively. It will guide one through the path to success. It will transport one to such calmness so to improve one’s attitude as well as one’s relationships and connections with others.

Psychologists devote their time helping individuals see and understand things within their inner self which they have long been suppressing from their own selves. This is natural, as people are skilled at such hiding games. Often, when one does not wish cope with a certain circumstance or situation, one denies that it had transpired, or translate it so to fit another different perception of the world.

Knowing yourself consequently, empowers and enables you to create different choices.

Success easily comes to those with pleasing personalities. However, this does not necessarily mean that one needs do what everyone wishes; rather, acquire a positive attitude of being respectful to the opinion of others at the same time remaining true to one’s own beliefs.

Don't expect to suddenly go on a certain course and immediately become aware and know yourself. This is a voyage where one can board and allow it to transform one’s life, for the better. The success of such journey depends deeply on how bravely you face yourself; on the way, you might discover certain things that you do not like and possibly opt to hide or deny it. Be strong and accept those negative things because it is only by accepting your faults can you truly change for the better.

Be open to accept and listen to the opinion of others, eager and willing to learn. Changing your judgment and views on account of more reliable facts is not a sign of weakness but of strength in your character. Always be inclined to offer help, be caring and polite but do not forget to keep your own personality.

The basic principle of knowing yourself is that every individual is responsible, in control and generate their own life encounter. This is a process very much complex that may be severely obstructed when one is unconscious of how one functions, or if one has a misunderstanding of thyself.

Rationalizations are used by many to give justifiable explanation for their actions. One can pretend that the problem is to be blamed on the other person. This is known as projection.

You therefore need to discover and improve your true person and not what others perceive you to be, and also not who you believe you must be, but the person that you truly are. How you manage your life, guide others, take charge, perform and behave in relationships really depends on how effectively you use your strengths and identify your weaknesses that you will discover when you truly know your "self."

Understand how you could guard yourself against responses triggered by emotions. You are vulnerable to miscalculation of judgment should you permit your emotions to interfere. Indeed, everything that one does is based on one’s emotions, but angry or careless emotions does not have a place when it comes to decision making. Take control of your emotions and delay conclusions, decisions and choices when in a very emotional state.

Develop enthusiasm in yourself. Enthusiasm draws good relationships and success. It is that positive outlook that radiates on you that individuals like dealing with. Your positive and enthusiastic outlook will contaminate and encourage those around you to also be enthusiastic and positive, therefore become cooperative.

Also, be ready to face unreasonable and negative people and never let them destroy you. Stay reasonable and calm.

Knowing yourself will enable you to develop your full potential and be happy, contented and fulfilled. Whether one’s idea and understanding of success speaks about fulfillment in business, friendship, love, sports, a blend of all these or another thing altogether, knowing yourself and working on to change for the better will enable you to achieve your goals. Then when you reach your goals, indeed you will turn out to be a much happier person. And that is success in its truest sense.

Markeith Williams is a personal coach and business owner. He is the CEO of River Sity Allince Inc, and give lectures around the world.

Are We Approaching A New Era Soon?
Unless one is living on another planet, one would have most likely sensed that our world is changing rapidly.

If you have been following my articles, you will know that I, at times, receive messages of a spiritual nature. Much of my dreams and visions had foretold personal and some global level occurrences.

The following is part of a messaged dream that I had in September 2005:

"In the dream, a huge leopard appeared and moved towards me. He was a very awe-inspiring beast with an almost human aura about him that exuded a raw powerful presence. He appeared to have a slightly coloured glow and his bright eyes shined through blue pupils. He started talking to me. He said " Meditating and trying to get enlightened is not enough. We must upgrade our bodies. There are 2 periods in this planet’s history that require us to upgrade our bodies… now and the Year 1750. " At that moment, I was thinking to myself… “Am I not doing enough?”. He seemed to convey the following message to me.. “Yes, you are not doing enough and THIS IS THE HINT”. He did not say it in a putting-you-down manner but rather in a calm, saintly way. "

Dreams are often symbolic representation of certain issues and occurrences. The leopard (in the dream) is representative of a spiritual aspect.

Much of what was being conveyed in the dream pertains to my own personal self-growth. But there is also an universal message being conveyed here...

I believe that the Year 1750 mentioned in the dream may not be of the past, but may be referring to a future timeline. It may be referring to the year 1750 of a NEW future era. When this new era will begin is however unknown to me. But this dream does appears to coincide with certain prophecies.

If you have been following ancient prophecies, you will know that many ancient cultures foretold of a new golden era. The Mayan stated that the end of our era is in the year 2012. Tibetans have a prophecies called the Kalachakra prophecy which also states that we are approaching a new era.

Dear Reader, I will like to ask of you to momentarily suspend any skepticism...to embrace my article with an open mind.

Could there be a validity to the dream message? Could it be that we are really about to enter a new era that will transform us mentally, emotionally and physically as well? What does your instinct tell you?

For your necessary discernment.

The author is a guy living in the Far East. He runs a self-growth resource site at http://www.dreamdatum.com.

The Astrological Sun
Continuing on from my introductory article about the Sun, Moon and Rising Sign, we'll have a closer look at the meaning of the Sun within a birth chart. As mentioned in my introductory article mentioned above, the Sun Sign is what most people are aware of because it is easy to calculate. This is one of the reasons it is used most frequently by the general population. If you think about the Sun, when it shines in the sky it brings us warmth, light (and the ability to see what is around us) and life. At the same time too much of it can damage our bodies. It is also the centre of our Universe. Symbolically, the Sun gives us a pointer to what we need to 'shine' or to 'feel alive' and whether or not this process has been encouraged in our lives. Another way to put this is to understand how we need to be treated and recognised to feel at the 'centre of the universe'. The Sun also represents the father figure when growing up and extending this theme further, men in general as we get older. This is particularly true for the majority of women because sometimes they relate to the symbolism of the Moon more easily than the Sun. Therefore the energy of the Sun ends up being projected onto important males in a woman's life. Like the physical Sun, too much of this symbolism can be detrimental to our self-development. For example, if we demand to be at the centre of attention or become so absorbed in ourselves that we neglect the people that need us. When I have a look at someone's birth chart I usually ask the individual how he or she experienced their relationship with their father. This tells me a lot about how they see themselves, males and authority figures. On another level the symbolism associated with the Sun in a birth chart also indicates how the process of discovering the self is likely to progress. These indications are found through the house placement, and relationship to the other planets. The Sun sign tells us who we are, while the Rising Sign shows us who we feel we have to be to fit in to our environment. Since the Rising Sign represents the moment of birth (you can't calculate your Rising Sign without your time of birth), the first place we have to fit into is our family. From there most of us have to learn to fit in to various situations - school, life in general, relationships, etc. Where the Sun is a conscious, masculine and an outgoing energy that is easy to spot, the Moon is an unconscious, internal, feminine and an illogical energy. I look at the Sun as being what we want, while the Moon symbolism is what we need.

The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer daily horoscope, love psychics, online psychics and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer email readings, free tarot reading, mothly horoscope and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer psychic information, love horoscope, psychic service and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer love predictions, spiritual experience, clarvoyance test and more.

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