

Did you know that you can not create energy yourself? You can just activate the universal energy, which exists always and will always exist. This Energy gave you life. It’s always there, at every moment, for everyone. There is no such thing like people with a lot of energy and other ones without energy. The difference is that energetic people know how to activate this always available energy. And the low energy people, they block this energy, which is although always available for them too! Energy does not decide something like :”Hey I like this one so I will send her energy, and the other one over there I don’t like so he won’t get any of my energy”. This is nonsense! The same counts for diseases. A disease does not “choose” a body to attack. How would it do it? Can you imagine a cancer saying : “I don’t like the way he cuts his hair, so I will attack his liver?” or “I can’t stand the way she talks so I will attack her breast?” There is no such thing. It would be absurd. We have much more to say to our body and our life than we can understand for now or than we will want to admit for ourselves. Because to understand this is to take responsibility. Once we know that we “ask” for disease - by thinking of it all the time, by running from one doctor to another, by reading all articles about diseases in magazines, by telling our friends and family about all our pains and troubles - than we have to change our behavior and start to behave like a healthy person, who tries to understand why he got ill, and tries to see how he can change his way of thinking and handling to stay healthy. It’s much the same for energy. Energy is always there. It never goes away, it never slows down, otherwise our whole galaxy would fall apart. The same energy which holds the stars at place in the sky, which makes grass grow and turn the earth on his own axis, is available for us. Can you imagine? It’s tremendous and there for us! You can activate this energy for you by thinking the right thoughts, that is thoughts which stimulate you instead of turning you down, thoughts which bring you health instead of disease, thoughts which make you feel loved instead of fearing loneliness, thoughts which bring you wealth instead of poverty. Is thinking about all this nice stuff enough to bring it into your life? No! Otherwise it would be so easy just to lean back and think about everything you want and floops….it’s there! We all would be fairies and make the world whatever we want without doing anything. Luckily it doesn’t work like that! It would be dangerous! We need something else to make our thoughts create what we want : it is action. The combination of both will give us what we want : dreaming about what we want and putting ourselves into action, that is taking steps in the direction of our thoughts. At each step we take, the universe also takes a step toward us. By our thoughts and our actions we activate this enormous universal energy to work for us. We make it move in the direction of realizing our dreams. So the formula is pretty simple : first you dream, than you take action in the direction of your dream. This will generate energy to help you take the next step. The energy generated by this step will help you take the next step. And so on…. How do you know which action to take? Follow your guts, follow your intuïtion. It’s the best guide you can find! Stop worrying. Instead dream, think of what you want and get yourself moving in the direction of your dream. That’s it. Watch what’s happening. Let the mystery unfold itself.

Written by Ineke, psychologist, mother of four children. I offer you two free e-courses to learn who you are, why you are here, how to create passion, freedom and abundance! Say yes! Reward : an everlasting enthusiasm!

Is Science Spirituality? Is Spirituality Science?
It would seem that these two aspects of human life have little in common - as Kipling’s well-known saying has it ‘East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet’. But the latest developments of modern science show us that at the most fundamental level the spiritual aspect of life is not only compatible with, but inseparable from, the scientific aspect, like opposite sides of the same coin. This turning point in science and in history comes from the discovery by Quantum Physics of the Unified Field of all the laws of Nature, described as a field of pure consciousness where subjectivity and objectivity co-exist in a state of singularity. Most people, including some top scientists, seem to be unaware of this discovery and its momentous implications: that peace, fulfilment and joy are available for everyone. It is an extraordinary time we live in at the beginning of the 21st century �" even more extraordinary than most people know! It is unique in the history of our world and mankind and can never be repeated: the transition from a long history of darkness to the Age of Enlightenment. Everybody knows that our present world is confronted with the gravest threats that have ever faced us: for instance the danger of nuclear destruction and climate change, causing rising sea levels. But most of us perhaps are so bound up with our work or vocation and family life that time is hardly left to think seriously about the future of mankind. Even some scientists who know about these threats are also so caught up in their personal lives and specialised work to realise the possibility of positive transition through the subjective technologies of consciousness cognised within the ancient Vedic Tradition of India. These have been brought out to the world for over 50 years by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and have now been confirmed by the objective knowledge of the Unified Field and extensive scientific research on their practical effects for society and the individual. For instance, at the time of writing, Holland and the USA are the only countries with permanent groups of Yogic Flyers of sufficient size (the square root of one per cent of the population) to reap the full benefits of these Vedic technologies in their national life, as is currently being reported in their media. Also other European countries as well as some in the Americas are rapidly approaching the necessary numbers, and remarkable effects are being reported already. In all these countries introducing these technologies to students in schools and universities is being applied for the future well-being of their nation and the world. Article written by Veronica Hatten, author of the book "Science, Spirituality and the Future". She was Principal Flute in the BBC Midland Light Orchestra. To learn more about Veronica's book, visit: http://www.veronicahatten.com

Veronica Hatten is author of the book "Science, Spirituality and the Future". She was Principal Flute in the BBC Midland Light Orchestra. To learn more about Veronica's book, visit: http://www.veronicahatten.com

Increasing Brain Power
Everyone still wants to have an active mind when they are elderly and some parents even try to increase brain power in their children when they are still in the womb! Some child development experts believe that a fetus will grow into a more intelligent child if it hears Mozart being played. There is no scientific proof of this but it won't do any harm. There is an obsession amongst some parents to force feed knowledge to their children. This hot housing, as it's known, is done by showing flash cards to infants who can barely talk yet. It's a sad fact that we lose brain cells, as we get older. We start to notice it in little ways, such as going into a room and forgetting what we went in for. Remembering people's names and appointments can also be problematic. There are some products on the market that make claims to increase brain power. They usually involve some sort of memory activity. The medical establishment doesn't really know why some people's minds deteriorate at a faster rate than others but the consensus is that staying mentally active is very important. It shouldn't be left until we retire either. Those gray cells need a work out when we are middle aged. Activities such as doing the crossword, sudoku and other puzzle games are all helpful. Games like chess and backgammon can also help to increase brain power. The brain is like any other muscle. It will shrivel with lack of use. Set yourself challenges. Learn a new skill such as a new language. Children are on hand to teach complex computer games to the young at heart. Some people believe that diet is also an important factor and fish oil is recommended. A school in the UK recently conducted an experiment. They got permission from the parents to give fish oil tablets to the students. The teachers reported a remarkable improvement in the alertness and standard of work from those taking the tablets. That doesn't explain why fish have a three minute memory! The brain can't be expected to do its job if the body isn't receiving the sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. We are bound to be sluggish if we constantly fill ourselves with fast food. Exercise is important too if you want to increase brain power. Mind and body working together is the best way to keep the brain ticking.

TotalFitnessMagazine.Com provides readers with the latest reviews, articles,commentaries and write-ups on all increase brain power, young at heart, Mind and body related subjects.

Finding The Gift In Every Situation
When life places obstacles in our path, when things seem like they're breaking down and we grow weary of the struggle, it's a good time to step back and look for the gift. What gift, you say?

Every situation and experience in life holds a gift, lesson or blessing for us. Yes, even the really painful experiences, like the loss of a loved one, an automobile accident, or natural disaster. There is a gift there, if we look for it.

To find the gift, we simply have to ask ourselves, "What positive lesson can I learn from this? How can this situation benefit me? What wisdom can I gain from this experience? What makes this situation worthwhile to experience in my life?" We can learn from anything in our lives, from a snag in our pantyhose to a migraine headache. We can learn from our disappointments, our heartaches, and our joy.

We can do this with any situation too, not just negative ones. Where is the gift in a boring Sunday afternoon, a crying infant or a gray, rainy wedding day? All we need to do is choose to see the positive side of the situation. The gift of a boring Sunday afternoon might be expressing gratitude for having some free time to express our creativity or enjoy a good book. A crying infant can teach us patience, compassion and nuturing. A rainy wedding day can help us understand what really matters, the celebration of love and meaningful connections with our friends and family.

Of course, when truly wonderful things happen to us, we don't need to really look for the gift then, do we? We already know what it is. During the happier moments of our lives, we can further honor this positive energy by expressing our deepest gratitude and joy. Rather than just feeling glad about our good fortune, we can purposely focus our thoughts on massive amounts of joy and gratitude, and consciously immerse ourselves in happiness. We can shout our thanks to the heavens and affirm that we welcome even more blessings in our lives.

Choosing to focus on the positive side doesn't mean living our lives in denial. It doesn't mean refusing to acknowledge the negative or mundane aspects of our lives. It means we see them, we accept them, and then we look beyond them rather than getting mired in negative thoughts and letting them affect the rest of our day.

Looking for the gift means choosing to lift our thoughts higher than our struggles. It removes us from our victim status and empowers us. No matter what happens in our lives, we have the ability to choose our attitude and our mindset. We can choose to focus on happiness, joy, love and gratitude, or we can stay mired in unhappiness and struggle.

Focusing on the gifts and blessings in our lives won't make all of our problems vanish overnight, or at all. But it reduces their importance and helps them to fade into the background a bit. We create in our lives what we focus on the most. By choosing to focus on the positive, we attract more positive energy into our lives.

Stop for a moment and look at your surroundings right now. What gifts or lessons are available to you in your current circumstances? And will you choose to embrace them and fully benefit from them?

Wendy Betterini is a freelance writer who strives to motivate, uplift, and inspire you to make your dreams a reality. Visit her website, http://www.WingsForTheHeart.com for more positive thoughts to help you on your journey.

The Benefits Of A Flexible Attitude
Life is full of challenges, and many times we have to stop what we are doing to completely switch gears. Having the ability to be versatile, and developing a flexible attitude will go a long way in adjusting to the ebbs and tides that life will inevitably bring. When life or work seems too frustrating to deal with, all we may need to make it work is an attitude adjustment.

When we focus on fighting the obstacles that challenge us, we waste time and energy that could be used more productively if we only learned to "go with the flow" a little more often. If we switch our thinking, viewing obstacles and challenges in a different light, we can be successful in achieving so much more. We will also expend less time and energy if we aren't fighting against a current. This energy can then be focused elsewhere.

By implementing the following five helpful tips for developing a flexible attitude, you can find better ways to proceed through life, allowing yourself to flow a little more smoothly through its many ups and downs.

Embrace change ? Change is necessary to get anywhere in life, and embracing it takes a lot of courage and strength. After all, change brings us into new experiences, and often the unknown is scary for us. Change also brings a good omen, in that life is not remaining stagnant, but rather moving forward in different directions. We should allow life to carry us off into these directions so we can experience a different point of view, appreciating more what we do or don't have.

Envision a new outcome ? If we go through life expecting things to go as they always have, we can never open ourselves up to the possibility of great things. When our expectations don't arrive, we will be lost, not knowing which way to turn. If we can imagine our actions having different outcomes, we can be prepared for whatever life may bring us, good or bad. Opening our minds to new outcomes will also help us plan for when those outcomes are realized.

Enjoy the journey ? Key to making our attitudes more flexible is learning to look past the goal of getting something accomplished, and enjoy the trip along the way. If we constantly focus on doing something, achieving something, or acquiring something, we lose sight of ourselves and who we are being. Enjoying ourselves along the way to our goals will allow us to remain flexible in the steps we take to arrive at their completion, or our final destinations.

Explore different options ? When trying to reach a goal, why not try a new way of getting there? Developing a flexible attitude will be simple if we can practice being flexible in the choices that are important to us. Learning to step out of the box and choose a different path, or option, will often lead us to the new outcomes we?ve been envisioning.

Emotionally detach ? It is easy to become frustrated at times, but emotionally detaching from the situation will allow us to take a look at our options more carefully and objectively. Acting in response to difficulties is far different than reacting, and the former is the more productive choice. When a challenge arises, take the time to decide how to act, instead of reacting with rash behavior.

Remaining flexible throughout life may make you feel like you are loosening the reins on your goals and values. That is not the case, however. If we can stay flexible and adapt to change, we may find ourselves better off than we ever could have imagined.

Wendy Betterini is a freelance writer and web designer in New England. She is the owner of http://www.WorkatHomeBalance.com, which features work/life balance tips for entrepreneurs, home business owners, telecommuters and freelancers. Visit today for more tips on balancing work and family under one roof.

1 comment:

Ian Stone - Founder Metaphysical Institute said...

Diseases often come from disturbances within our Human Life Energy Fields, these disturbances generally come from a negative association with some unresolved emotional incident.

This then causes a corrupt program to be triggered in the future or to begin to run at the time of the incident. Once started it will run automatically creating the disease condition until stopped.

With Love
Ian Stone – Founder of HEART Energy Healing System,
Human Energy Assessment Release Treatments
Metaphysical Institute
Metaphysical Institute Blog