
Your Witchcraft Dieties (And How They Can Help You)

There are hundreds of deities in dozens of different Witchcraft belief systems. It is important to find the deities that resonate with the core of who you are, and ask for their help in your rituals and spells.If you align yourself with the “right” deities for you, the power of your connection with Magick energy can increase beyond levels you can achieve on your own.Getting the results you want (especially if you are asking for a lot) do not always come easy. But if you have the right deities on your side �" miracles that you may not normally have the power to create, will be made easy because of your connection to your deities.You typically want to select a few feminine deities to follow, and a few that are masculine. You want a balance. Of course if you follow the “Dianic” path, you will only celebrate feminine deities �" and that is ok, as that is the path you have chosen.I could write an entire book on this section alone, so I cannot go into the detail I need to in the scope of this book. In my Academy In-A-Box I have listed out deities from every branch, and many different cultures and belief systems. I also lay out a step by step process you can use to actually get the deities to choose you. This is a good way to remove all self-doubt that “you picked the wrong ones”.Usually, selecting the right deities does not happen in 10 or 15 minutes. Sometimes it can take a day or longer �" but you only really have to do it once.If you want to use Magick at higher levels, it is important to have at least 2 deities that can help you and protect you on your path. For now, do some research on this page on different deities you may choose to align yourself with. Read through the descriptions with a clear mind, and try to “feel” how you can connect with each diety. See if you can discover at least 2 that really “hit home” with you.When you take the time to find the deities that are right for you, it will make all the difference in your path of Witchcraft. You'll somehow feel more connected to everything you do, because the deities that you choose a lifelong relationship with will watch over you, helping you to bring miracles into your life through Magick energy. Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on techniques for witchcraft beginners visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

Are The Stars Out Tonight? Reconnecting With The Power Of Mystery
On a crisp June night I?m lying in my sleeping bag at 10,000 feet in the Sierra?s Desolation Wilderness. Here, far from the light and haze of the Bay Area, the sky is deep black, but thick with twinkling dots and dim wisps of cottony light. When I look from the corner of my eye, the dim lights become more defined, easier to perceive as stars. To count them all would take years, if it was even possible. The number seems incomprehensible. And the mystery of what could exist out there, somewhere, at once inspires and humbles me. Enthralled by the night sky, I struggle to keep my eyes open, knowing with a disquieting certainty that upon my return to the ?real? world my focus will be drawn steadily and relentlessly away from the mysteries of the night sky. The real world of responsibilities, work, relationships and bills provides a powerful distraction from the mystery of the night sky and the mystery of our lives. This point was driven home, recently, when I heard the following two intriguing but contradictory statements in the same day. First, in a recording, Carolyn Myss observed that this is the first time in which entire generations will grow up without seeing the stars! Imagine growing up in a big, bright city, without the resources to leave, surrounded by light, smog and tall buildings that blot out all but the most determined of the celestial objects. The second statement I heard came later that day, in an NPR story about the Hubble Space Telescope. A lead scientist for the telescope explained how, since the dawn of humanity we have been seeking to understand the origin of the Universe. This, he said, is the first time that we do understand it. We can see the spectral remnants from the Big Bang and actually listen to the sounds of the Universe moments after its formation. What a strange world we have dreamed into existence. Our technology and science enables us to unravel the secrets of the stars while simultaneously creating communities that will never see them. As our understanding of our world and the Universe has expanded, we have, as a culture, become disconnected from the inherently mysterious nature of our existence. And as individuals we run the risk of losing touch with the powerful force of mystery in our lives. When was the last time you laid out at night gazing into the sky? When was the last time you attempted to count the stars, or trace the outline of Ursa Major? When was the last time you wondered who or what might be out there in the vast reaches of space, or what your place is within this Universe? Mystery is a source of power for humans. We draw creativity, passion, healing and inspiration from the Unknown. Artists, scientists, inventors and philosophers all speak of the mysterious nature of discovery, creation and problem solving. Shamans and Healers of all cultures understand that the unknown holds the power to heal and transform the Soul, Mind and Body. When we lose touch with that mystery, we lose touch with a source of personal and communal power. Passion, too, comes from Mystery. Consider your intimate relationships, past or present. It is not the daily encounters or the practical matters that keep a relationship growing. Nor is it the moments of tenderness and intimacy. These are all integral parts of a relationship, forming the foundation and structure. But it is in the moments of Mystery and Discovery that the flame of passion is refueled: It is when your lover surprises you with a perfect gift. Or when you catch an unexpected glimpse of your partner kneeling over a flower to inhale its aroma. The door to Mystery opens also when your partner displays her anger for the first time, or when he trusts you with the sharing of a grief long held hidden. These moments when you encounter something new and surprising about your lover take the relationship deeper into the mystery and are the moments of growth and renewal for each of you as individuals. It may be love that sustains a relationship, but it is the glimpses into the mystery that refuels love. Relationships begin to stagnate and die, not when love fades, but rather, when the doorway into the Mystery remains closed for too long. This is equally true in your personal life. When you close the door that leads to your personal mysteries, you deprive yourself of a source of power and passion. One way to reopen that door, or open it wider, is to embrace the mysteries around you. How does a tiny acorn transform itself into a majestic oak tree? How do the birds know when it is time to migrate? How does this computer do what it does? What waits for us in the vast reaches of space? Do not believe that the scientists know everything. If Christopher Columbus had accepted the prevailing wisdom of his day, he never would have set sail. If Einstein had believed the existing theories of matter, space and time, he would not have formulated the theory of relativity. Bask in the mysteries. Challenge existing assumptions. Discover your own answers. Become curious and childlike when something intrigues you. Begin to open the door to the external mysteries and the door to your personal mysteries will soon follow. When it does, you will have access to a vast source of inspiration, creativity, and power. Edward Mills, MIM, is a life coach, teacher and speaker, empowering people to more joyfully and abundantly share their essential gifts with the world. You can sign up for his monthly ezine, Evolving Times, at his website: http://www.edwardmills.com or blog: http://www.evolvingtimes.com

The Awareness of Metaphysical Laws and Principles Part 3
There is a strong connection between the immaterial aspects of man and his physical constitution. The mind and emotions affect the somatic system via the vital body, the etheric body with its energy-centers and channels called in Yoga philosophy, chakra and nadi, respectively. These chakras affect the glandular-system according to its state of vitality. Negative states of mind and emotions obstruct or irregulates the flow of the life-force or prana emanating from the sun and streaming into the chakras. This in turn causes the associated gland of the energy-center to be hyper- or hypo-active which manifests as the malfunctioning of the organs and the impairment of the metabolic processes. This sets the stage for disease to occur in the body. An unbalanced and dis-eased state in the physical constitution are therefore the reflected images of our habitual thoughts and feelings. It is the manifestation of the inner reality of mind and emotions. This is not to say that all illnesses are the result of the play of the mind and feelings--there are, of course, a small percentage of illnesses the result of physical causes.There are four fundamental principles to consider in metaphysical healing:1) The preparation of the Healer 2) Determining the cause of inharmony 3) The choice of metaphysical therapy 4) The actual healing and teachingConcerning the first point, every healer should realize that what really heals is the divine power of the Universal Mind. The healer is merely a channel for the healing energies to flow, or at the very least, a catalyst for the healing power that flows from the patient's divine principle. Because energy is tainted by the channel in which it flows, it behooves the healer to purify his lower being from all obnoxious material. In the ancient Mystery Schools, for instance, every would-be-healer would undergo purification in the form of prayers, fasting, meditation, and other spiritual exercises. This had a three-fold effect--the elimination of toxins from the physical system; the strengthening, vitalizing, and magnetizing of the aura and nervous system--both subtle and gross; and the alignment of the lower components of the microcosm with the divine principles called "the spiritual triad" by Theosophists. This purification makes it feasible for divine forces of vital life, which is a higher form of prana, to flow through the healer. Once having filled the physical body with a harmonious flow of the vivifying principle, the surplus energy would strengthen and magnetize the aura. In Christian scriptures we read of saints healing with their "shadow." This shadow is in fact the aura.Another relevant point connected with the metaphysician's preparation is the polarization of the consciousness. Energy flows abundantly from and to the chakra in which the consciousness is daily polarized. The expressions of love and compassion, for instance, which are vital attributes for the healer to possess, reveals that the consciousness is polarized in the heart-chakra. Expressions of self-centeredness indicate a polarization within the solar-plexus center. A strong altruistic will shows that the polarization is within the chakras above the heart. What this means technically, where divine pranic healing is concerned, is that the polarization within a lower center would make it difficult for the healer to reach and heal the organs of the patient associated with a higher center because of a difference in the frequency octave. Heart troubles, for instance, which is associated with a poor functioning of the heart-chakra, a healer polarized in the solar-plexus will find it difficult to heal, because the necessary energies required to correct the patient's problem is unavailable, inspite the belief that plain unqualified divine energy is sufficient enough to do the work. Without the right level of consciousness, divine energy entering into the healer would simply evaporate having found no correspondence in likeness within him/her. The divine energies entering the healer is qualified with whatever psychic center the healer polarizes himself. The healer may seek to overide this with the exercise of the will and may succeed to a certain degree, but without the correct polarization the healing process will not be optimal. It is therefore, important for the healer to evolve and function on a higher consciousness-level. This is of prime importance in the preparatory stage. Polarization on the highest centers makes the divine energy flowing through all of the other chakras equally accessible.In the second point to be considered are the causes of disharmony within the physical system. As we have seen previously, the various manifestations of ill health have its major, fundamental causes in the immaterial aspects of man. The psyche of man is twofold: conscious and subconscious, and they play their part in determining one's overall state of health. Negative thoughts and feelings are self-destructive. If held in the mind for too long without being checked, they would manifest in an unbalanced condition in the body. The conscious mind is responsible with what it feeds the subconscious side. What the subconscious receives it transmits internally to the physical body, and externally to the environment. In order to get to the root cause of psychosomatic illnesses, the healer has to determine the cause of the problem in the nature of the feelings and thoughts of the patient. It would be an aid for the healer to realize that no matter what negative feelings are felt, or what negative thoughts are being formed, they all stem from the misidentification of the Self, or from the false ego. People say that they are sick or hurt, whereas the "I," the"Self," is pure and whole and not subjected to any suffering, discomfort, or any other mortal complaints. The first step, therefore, would be to educate the patient in this "true perspective," of emancipating the mind from its ignorance and delusions. The conscious mind of the patient should also be made to realize the unnecessity of thinking and feeling negatively, and of the adverse effects that it creates in the physical organism. Methods of cleansing the subconscious mind from "engrams," or negative packets of energy-patterns should be taught. This purification is usually done be various spiritual exercises such as certain meditations where divine forces are invoked and directed for cleansing, or by programming the subconscious mind with affirmations. This latter approach was made use of in the ancient Egyptian healing temples. Such affirmations identify the patient with the Divine Self. For instance, in the manual, the Book of the Dead, translated by E.A. Wallis Budge, are found the following affirmations:"I am the Great One, son of the Great One "I am the Mighty One, son of the Mighty One "I am Horus, the son of Ra "I am the Sekhem (power) of my father Ra . . . " (1953:677)The ancient Egyptians represented the aspects and attributes of the Divine Self with various personages and deities. In the above we see how the mortal concept of one's being is replaced with an immortal, deific one. In the affirmations one is reminded of one's divinity untainted by any forms of weaknesses or illnesses. Karmic-related illnesses, which at times defies a cure by superficial treatment in the hands of medical practitioners, may be eliminated by the above processes coupled with an understanding of the karmic lesson, repentance and compensation.The next point for our consideration is in the choice of therapy. It is a fact that for every illness or ailment there is an appropriate cure, or a system of therapy that would return a healthy condition to the physical body. This also includes death, although from our human limited point of view this would hardly be considered as a valid cure. From the above statements we imply that there is no therapeutical system that would heal every single disease known to man. There is, as yet, no Universal Panacea discovered that would cure every affliction of man unless we consider Truth to be a medicine--and a bitter one at that to most people. Holistic healing, therefore, includes various methods that would reach all of the components making the whole being of man, and the healer should determine the appropriate therapy or therapies for each individual case. The methods of alternative healing may be categorized into the following:1) Esoteric healing 2) Exoteric healingEsoteric healing, as its name implies, refers to methods that require intense internal preparation on the part of the metaphysician. This preparation as we have already discussed comes in the form of divine attunement with the aid of prayers, meditation, periodic fasting, and a spiritual way of life. Instant transmissions of attunement or power by master-healers to students only opens the way and is not a permanent condition, for one's mental and emotional state may neutralize what has been transmitted. Living the divine life is a necessity. Once prepared, the healer may make use of the available energies from various sources surrounding his person, and to direct them into the body of the patient. Pranic Healing, Chakra Healing, Divine Healing, Angelic Healing, and Spiritual Mind Healing are some of the methods used in esoteric healing.Exoteric healing deals more with the methodologies that the average person may utilize regardless of his/her lack of high spiritual attainment and esoteric preparation. These methods include vibrational healing: gem therapy, chromotherapy, audiotherapy, aromatherapy, chi massage, acupressure, herbalology, acupuncture, reflexology, and many countless others. It would be a standard procedure for the healer to make use of a combination of therapies both esoteric and exoteric for the average healing. An effective way of healing is when both the cause and the effect of an unbalanced body, mind, and soul are attended to.In this last point we will consider the actual healing and teaching of the patient to self-heal. At the very onset of treatment it should be kept in mind that the receptiveness of the patient determines to a large degree the effectiveness of treatment. The healer should also approach the patient with love and compassion, freed from any judgmental and critical attitude. These two approaches serve to create a temporary psychic bond between the healer and the patient. There are times when the cause of the patient's problem lies undiscovered. A possible solution is the attunement of the healer with both the healer's and the patient's Higher Self. The healer should be open to intuitive impressions coming from within that may shed a light on the problematical causes of the diseased condition.It is inappropriate for the healer to be solely responsible for the healing. Every patient should be given an opportunity to participate in the healing process. Therefore, laws and principles regarding holistic health should be inculcated, and the patient made aware of man's healing potential. This is preventive medicine at its best. It should not be the healer's best interest to make the patient dependent upon him or her because of the financial returns. This would reduce the metaphysician's value in the eyes of God and humanity. Every metaphysician should, therefore, illuminate the understanding of the patient as to the cause and nature of the problem being experienced, and the way out of it. As is often illustrated in popular self-help books, it is much wiser to teach a man to fish rather than to give him fishes for an indefinite period. Soul-growth occurs in one-case, whereas soul-stagnancy occurs in the other.Scriptures in Ministerial WorkSince metaphysics deals with spiritual truths, with laws and principles of the Universal Mine, it may assume a religious character and take on the coloration of a certain religion when tending those who are religiously inclined or when the situation calls for it. The metaphysician himself should have long transcended sectarian and dogmatic viewpoints; and whenever possible, he should stimulate people to perceive the narrow perspectives and ill-logic of the many dogmas that bind the mind to a mortal outlook and to an unnatural way of life. It is for this very reason that the inner essence of religion should be taught of having an eternal and real value and not of the ever-changing cloak fabricated by the fallibility of unenlightened man. Dogmas perpetuate a false perception of man's true spiritual estate, binding people to the unreal world of Maya. Religion comes from a Latin word which means "to bind." Its purpose is to bind man to God; however, as can be seen by recorded history, by the Inquisition, the Crusades, the so-called Holy wars, etc., it has resulted in a contra-effect separating man from Truth and his Maker. The Nazarene Master taught a religion of love, whereas the priesthood transformed it into a religion of fear and damnation. Pertaining to the above, Frater Achad in Melchizedek Truth Principles says that,". . . religious systems have caused man of earth to become weak in his understanding of God." (1988:76)In fact, religious bigotry have caused man to blaspheme God daily by allowing his adoration of the idols of false ideas and dogmatic notions. That which is subject to change is false and unreal--actually impermanent; only Truth is unchanging and is eternal. Nothing endures in the material worlds save the Truth that brought humankind into being. It is for this reason that there is no religion that will last forever except for their quintessential core of Truth that lies in the foundation of their existence.Humanity's spiritual development moves at an awkwardly slow pace. One of the many reasons for man's lack of spiritual development is his non-desire to truly know God, Nature, and himself. In his spiritual pride, like the Demiurgus of the Gnostics, man disbelieves in the higher intelligences and worlds considering himself to be the highest product of Nature. This materialistic philosophy fully formed in the 19th century still sways the thinking of the minds of "educated man." The truly educated person, according to our reckoning is a spiritually-enlightened being. He knows things that are of eternal value.Another stumbling block in humanity's soul-progress lies in their indolence in the search for Truth, for as they say, it is easier to believe than to know. Most people, for instance, desire cheap salvation or deliverance by imposing their burdens upon another's shoulders believing that another will save them from their sins, karma, and hell-fire. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the Universe does not function in such a manner. All men must learn to be responsible and participate in their own spiritual salvation or liberation. The effort required to know Truth requires some discipline though, for without such, no soul-advancement may be attained. People should be made aware of this, for they have long been too complacent with themselves. Buddhism, since its inception has known this human psychological trait of laziness and had adopted a method for awakening sluggish, tamasic minds by teaching the principle of the imminence of death--where its implication of the value of time and life-opportunity, and the purpose of life are intensely contemplated upon. This methods can sometime be an eye-opener, and may aid the metaphysician with certain types of temperaments. The populace should be acquainted with truths even if it hurts, eventhough these are not accepted at first. Seeds grow well in the darkness of the ground or in the subconsciousness. We have experienced this many times--we taught certain things to others without them accepting the precepts, even vehemently denying them, but later on only to hear these same individuals teaching to others or even ourselves (!) the very thing that they previously denied--this is the power of Truth and is quiet a marvel.Spiritual truths are to be found in every religion, although in some so deeply buried that one has to contemplate deep down in the soul for the uncovering of it--most of the time religious dogmas blind one from perceiving them; occasionally, truths are skimmed by because being right in front of one's eyes they are hardly noticed or given their proper value. Certain mental traits such as prejudice, narrow-mindedness, fear and superstition may likewise prevent a person from realizing truths. One's mental vessel must be freed from them ere spiritual nourishment may fill one's cup to the brim. Almost all scriptures have an esoteric side to them. They were mostly written by Initiates for the benefit of all the candidates to the higher wisdom. Therefore, to interpret literally what has to be understood in a spiritual, esoteric sense--and without the proper keys--one merely robs holy scriptures of their intended purpose, and that is the awakening of the spiritual, divine nature lying latent within one's being. It takes a spiritual-conscious awareness to interpret what was written under spiritual influences. St. Paul in one of his epistles, for instance, declared that the many incidents in Abraham's life are not to be understood as history, but as allegories pertaining to the development of the human soul. As an example, we may take the incident where Abraham was asked to sacrifice his beloved son. Almost about to execute his task, he was interrupted by the voice of God saying in substance that it was unnecessary to sacrifice his son (in this context it does not matter whether it was Ishmael or Isaac) but in replacement a goat struggling nearby in the bushes was to be offered instead. This tale when taken at its face value is usually interpreted as a teaching of the principles of obedience and surrender to God. What it really signifies is the sacrifice of one's carnal self (the goat) instead of the spiritual consciousness (the son), which has to be preserved and fostered in one's awaking awareness. As was said by John the Harbinger,"He (the spiritual consciousness) must increase, but I (the carnal self) must decrease." (John 3:30)Another allegory containing a principle of value is to be found in the gospels. At face value, when read literally, it conveys little of any importance. But when interpreted spiritually, it transmits to us a certain truth of spiritual application. This principle of truth lies in the incident at the Garden of Gethsemane. We are told in the tale that the Master Jesus was in the Garden with his three disciples who were fast asleep. Seeking companionship from his three followers at his hour of distress proved to be a disappointment. The only recourse was to direct his attention to God. Interpreted spiritually, the three disciples represent the physical, emotional, and mental being of man who are dead to Reality, or "fast asleep." The incarnated soul (the Master Jesus), having discovered the unreliability of his lower self for solace attunes with the divine principle within for inner direction. We can see from this how applicable the truths and principles are--as found in scriptures--in our mundane lives when understood from the esoteric viewpoint.One should not restrict oneself to the scriptures of one's religion as the "sole word of God," for all are essentially derived from a single divine source with the intended purpose of teaching the redemption of a wayward and fallen humanity; and it behooves every metaphysician to peruse the texts of any spiritual manuscript containing divine laws and principles that facilitates the unfoldment and expansion of the consciousness. The Tao Teh Ching, Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, or the Gnostic gospels discovered at Nag Hamadi, for instance, contain pearls of eternal wisdom that the metaphysician will find helpful to adopt in his ministerial work and as a spiritual/occult practitioner. The Christian Bible and even the Quran may be better understood when cross-referenced to the scriptures mentioned above. As we see it, the main theme of every sacred, secret teaching is the divine nature of man. It is appropriate, we believe, to base one's metaphysical work upon this truth. when delving into the esoteric side of the New Testament, it is helpful to adopt one of the gnostic views that Jesus the Nazarene as depicted in the gospels, was not a historical personage but a representative of the myth of the"undying god," or of the mystical element within man that seeks to incarnate and be resurrected in the waking consciousness. The spiritual import and value of the gospels are therefore preserved. We should use scriptures as a tool of self-transformation; whether they be history is irrelevant for the spiritual aspirant. Their true value lies in the catalytic nature embodied within the hidden meaning of their texts which improves the nature of man when applied. Copyright © 2006 Luxamore Leonard Lee aka Luxamore Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia. Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc. Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.

Metaphysical Reflections
Nature holds bountiful undiscovered-as-yet secrets for humanity. Normally, we seek to unveil them through scientific means--through our laboratory equipment, processes and methodologies; however, the conventional, material methods of probing into Nature's treasure storehouse may only take us to a certain point beyond which it is difficult for three-dimensional instruments to record, and the physical senses and mind to follow and apprehend. And yet, humanity unconsciously feel that it is possible to wrest from benign Nature her many hidden arcana or esoteric laws and principles. Could it be that we are investigating the more subtle aspects of Nature through the wrong approach, through the wrong channels and processes? Could it be that we are being misled by our senses in regards to our perception and conception of time, space, and matter and that paradigm shifts from the old Corpernican, Newtonian and Einsteinian models are required in order to break through scientific humps? There are many brave scientists who are working out this problem to the ridicule of their more orthodox colleagues.In order for Man and the Universe to be understood as well as all the phenomena that occurs therein, it is necessary to consider the so-called "abstract" and "occult" principles that was once in the domain of Religion and Philosophy--and this should be conducted in a scientific, systematic, rational and metaphysical manner. If Science is to discover the Ultimate Truth, it must not neglect its investigations into the subtle realms. By claiming that these realms or soul-phenomena do not exist for they cannot be perceived by the objective senses or monitored by instruments is prejudicial and scientifically irrational, as there are many things such as electromagnetic energies, certain gases, cosmic rays, etc. that we are unable to directly perceive and was once undetectable by instruments. By restricting its probing and search for the Ultimate First Cause solely on the physical plane Science does itself an injustice, for life here and physical phenomena are simply a fragment of a whole. Our senses only perceive a limited range of phenomena in the energy-spectrum. Scientific devices may only extend our range of perception a little further and aid us to record a little bit more. What is beyond our perception vibrates in astronomical frequencies. What we are unable to detect physically may well exist beyond the range of our senses. The investigation of Nature's more subtle aspects is not beyond the line of reason or scientific analyses if several principles are taken into consideration :1) The higher realities must be investigated through the higher faculties of the soul, through a higher consciousness or through an altered state of awareness.2) That which is not perceived through the objective senses does not imply its non-existence, even to a psychic's failure of perception, for they may simply be "out-of-range."3) That the diversity and inconsistency of recorded paranormal phenomena do not indicate its non-validity as it may well be that the nature of the higher worlds reflect the influential instability or fluctuations of the investigator's mind, thoughts, and feelings.4) That the mind moulds reality, whether physical or non-physical out of the energies of its internal and ambient environment.5) That Cosmic or natural laws with possible mathematical formulation apply in the subtle realms as they apply here in the physical.6) That the linear time-space continuum may not apply in the higher dimensions as they do here.7) That the mind is not the sole faculty of knowing.8) That some metaphysical phenomena goes way beyond our earthly concepts and the apprehension of the mind and is difficult to explain using conventional language.9) That metaphysical phenomena are repeatable even in controlled laboratory conditions should all the natural laws factors, and variables involved in the phenomena's manifestation be taken into account.Science is aware that the physical world as we perceive it is an illusion and yet our senses delude us by informing us that it is real with the "power to affect us in some way." If this is considered to be a criterion of "reality" then the "imaginary" worlds too are real for they likewise affect us in some manner, as psychologists would undoubtedly concur. Of metaphysical interest, one vital question emerges: is the existence of these other so-called imaginary worlds, these other "realities," part of the "Gupta Vidya," or the secret teachings that spiritual preceptors sought to convey to humanity?Gautama Buddha once referred to the amount of teachings that he revealed to the world by comparing them with the few leaves of a tree that he had clasped in his hand. The bountiful leaves that he pointed out, still clinging to the boughs of the tree constituted that which was yet undisclosed to humanity. Several centuries later, almost at the end of his exoteric ministry, the Master Jesus said to his disciples that he had further teachings to convey to them but they were unprepared as yet for their reception. Why? What were these advanced precepts? These secret doctrines, if ever existed, are unrecorded in the New Testament. They would have been verbal--oral teachings for the selected few. Are these oral teachings still in existence or are they "lost"? Are they perhaps preserved in the consciousness of the Magi, the wise men of every ancient culture? Are they carefully guarded in certain temples and underground vaults hidden from prying eyes? Are they so spiritually scientific in nature that men unprepared with the proper moral, intellectual, and rational basis were not able to fully grasp their principles and significance? It takes a great mind to know another; it also takes a great mind to understand the great principles and laws of Nature. In the early days of recorded history only the few had attained to the desired level of understanding and were prepared to develop the greatness necessary to grasp Nature's hidden laws and principles.How does one attain greatness, how does one become great enough to apprehend the "higher" teachings that the spiritually enlightened have to offer? We have always been advised by spiritual teachers to walk with God; to tread the strait and narrow way or the ancient path; challenged to go where angels dread; or to go where no man (mortal) has gone before, and yet, most of us feel not up to the task. The one thing that prevents us from doing so is fear--fear that has been instilled in us by superstition, religious dogma, propaganda, and other false teachings.What is the nature of these occult principles and doctrines that the spiritual teachers throughout the ages wished to convey to humanity but had to withhold for the lack of "preparation" on the part of man? Were these secret teachings eventually given out to select persons who subsequently became the spiritual pioneers and leaders, reformers, and prophets of future generations?Life is a mystery, however, the more we partake of the higher spiritual consciousness the more we come to understand this "mystery of mysteries." This is the unveiling of the secrets of the Egyptian goddess Isis who declared truthfully that no mortal shall ever unveil her. Isis, as the personification of Nature, was right: no man has ever or will ever unveil her to behold her naked beauty. Only when the mortal mind--which is representative of man--is displaced in favor of the immortal God-mind will we ever come to be aware and understand All That Is, all that Isis, the Divine Mother represents. Is this concept strange? The Bible states that no man shall see God and live. Indeed, the spiritual Masters tell us that no man shall see God and live--as men. The perception of God entails embodying all that God is, all of His virtues, attributes, and consciousness. To truly understand a thing we must become that thing. This is the Law of Empathy or Identification. This is what separates saints and prophets from the Cosmic gods and men-made-perfect. Saints may lead a pure and holy life; but by separating themselves from their fellow men by secluding themselves and maintaining a consciousness of duality, they do not advance to a higher spiritual status. In order for their consciousness to be raised to a higher evolutionary level, it is necessary for them to transcend all dualistic opposites, illusions and errors in mortal thinking. This we personally call Divine thinking. How shall this transition from manhood to godhood be accomplished? Spiritual teachers have always been present on Earth to direct and help uplift humanity to a higher level of consciousness and awareness. Teachers but point the way. It is up to the aspirant or disciple to tread the Path that leads to enlightenment and illumination.In every religion there is an oral tradition--secret doctrines given out to a few. These were called "esoteric teachings." The few were privileged to receive these wisdom teachings because their mental, spiritual capacity and level, and their morality far exceeded those of the average person and were spiritualized enough to comprehend and be receptive to abstract verities. The privileged few, having duly prepared themselves spiritually, had eliminated many of the egoistic tendencies that would have caused them to misuse and abuse sacred knowledge. These secret teachings empowers one. They give tremendous powers over the forces of Nature; this was the reason for the careful guardianship by the forces of Light over them. This is sometimes portrayed in classical myths as dragons protecting gemstones or other treasures in their lair. In esoteric teachings dragons often represent wise, enlightened men. In Hindu tradition, these men were the Nagas who lived in their caves of meditation and rock temples. They were called dragons or serpents for their innate energy coiled at the base of their spine, otherwise known as kundalini, was permanently raised and wed to its higher counterpart in the crown chakra. This counterpart is the dove, the Holy Ghost. The serpent is Shakti while the dove is Shiva. About two thousand years ago the Master Jesus admonished us to be as wise as the serpent and harmless as the dove. Esoterically, he was telling us to stimulate kundalini to ascend and the dove of love, purity and the Christ-Consciousness to descend. When kundalini meets her mate she must crown him with the jewel that she ought to carry with her. Those who are familiar with esoteric and occult concepts will understand what all of the above signifies. In ancient Egypt the pharaohs wore head-dresses or crowns with the serpent, the sacred "Uraeus" protruding from the area of the Ajna chakra, the etheric energy-center located between the eyebrows. In those days it was a prerequisite for candidates to ruler-ship to be spiritually enlightened before ascending the throne; the candidates had to undergo spiritual training that would prepare them for their exalted task; however, this practice was later neglected and it subsequently caused the degeneration and corruption not only of the Egyptian rulers but the priesthood as well.In bygone days, sacred knowledge concerning Man, Nature, the Universe and God were taught in those institutions called the Mystery Schools. In these temples of knowledge and wisdom the candidates were initiated into the Ancient Wisdom that existed long before the foundation of this world. Before such occult teachings were taught the candidates had to undergo certain tests and trials to prove their worthiness. When these tests were successfully completed and certain trials overcome the candidates were initiated into the sacred Mysteries of Life. They were taught how to acquire the gnosis, or sacred knowledge through personal soul-experience. The control of the forces within man was also taught to the novices by the Kheri-Hebs, the hierophants, or Masters. These accomplished beings instructed the novices how the subtle body of man may be exteriorized to experience the higher dimensions. Many methods were used to accomplish this by the Wise Ones such as the careful use of certain hallucinogens, hypnosis, acoustics, concentration, mesmerism, meditation, etc. The King's chamber of the Great Pyramid was particularly used as a portal of initiation into higher worlds. The immortality of man and reincarnation were basic principles taught in the sacred teachings of the Mystery Schools.In the early days of our unrecorded history, the creator gods, the Elohim, the Lords of Mind and the Lords of Flame, walked with man in everyday life and nurtured the divine spark within him. The Spiritual Elders gave teachings to their disciples and they eventually became the rulers of civilizations and the leaders of humanity. These enlightened rulers were the God-kings and Priest-kings still talked about by students of occultism. They inaugurated our fabled Golden Ages. What we would like to mention here in passing is that some of these spiritual beings are back in physical incarnation in our present era spreading metaphysical teachings and a higher spiritual pragmatic code of life.The higher laws and operations of Nature may be investigated through the utilization of one's soul-faculties. These inner senses of the soul must first be awakened and unfolded to a certain degree of efficiency before they may be safely applied. Metaphysics teaches man the way to personal development, to spiritual advancement, and occult unfoldment. Metaphysics as a whole, is the modern repository of the ancient and ageless secret teachings. Its more sacred doctrines belong in the field of esotericism. Copyright © 2006 Luxamore Leonard Lee aka Luxamore Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia. Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc. Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.

Aliens: Where SETI Astronomers Can Find Them
SETI, or Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has been an ongoing endeavor for many decades. In the early days, it was expected to be a quick success, so much so that national governments even helped fund these projects. Like the Moon race, there was something of a "find E.T." race. All that is gone now. Government funding has virtually evaporated around the globe. The explanation is simple: no one likes a perpetual failure. The few remaining SETI efforts have to count on private funding to scrape along. Well, the objective of this article is to come to the rescue of the last of the SETI astronomers, to tell them where they can find E.T. so that they can regain the world's respect. That last sentence was not meant to be cynical. As noted in my article "Decoding Book Resurrects the Ancient Astronaut Theme," author Morten St. George claims that some of the prophecies of Nostradamus are of alien origin, and that those prophecies tell us how to calculate the galactic coordinates of where E.T. came from. In a follow-up interview, I posed the following question to St. George: Do you agree that contact with intelligent aliens could be of immense importance to humankind? He agreed. Then I asked: Do you agree that this is more important than your selling a few copies of your cryptic thinking book? He agreed. This article will be a little longer and a little more technical than the others. According to St. George, three prophetic stanzas combine to provide information about E.T.'s location. The first of these is stanza number I-81. Here, the first four words of the fourth verse are the most relevant: "Kappa, Thita, Lambda, mors." St. George says he has an etymological dictionary that defines "mors" as the "bite of a scorpion." Consequently, Kappa, Theta, and Lambda are the names of three stars in the tail section of the constellation Scorpius. (Note that the use of Greek letters for star names postdates Nostradamus). It's a star arrow, and Lambda is the arrow head. Elsewh:ere, the prophecies name three cities to form an arrow circling around the globe; thus, St. George believes the three stars should be viewed as points on a sphere. Where does the star arrow point? St. George says he followed the star arrow upwards on a star map and it hit or passed close to a dark cloud called Barnard 72, for which he already had other indications. So that's the answer. E.T. came from or near Barnard 72. But we're not done yet. We're looking for precise coordinates. The second stanza is numbered IV-32. According to St. George's decoding, this stanza tells a story: Once upon a time, Triton, Pluto, and Charon formed a triple planet system with a distinct orbit around the Sun. Then one day, the aliens came along, grabbed hold of Triton, and pushed it into a retrograde orbit around the planet Neptune. In route to Neptune, Pluto and Charon hung on for a while, then broke loose and drifted off into a new orbit. When did this happen? St. George says the aliens were here in 580 A.D., so that would be his guess for the date of these planet manipulations. I mentioned that I had read on the Internet that Pluto has been downgraded, that it is no longer considered a planet. St. George responded: "I believe that was because they found that Pluto didn't clear away debris in its orbit. But since 580 A.D., a contemporary date in terms of solar system history, Pluto in its new orbit would have made only a handful of complete orbits around the Sun, hardly enough time to clear away much debris. In any case, the astronomers got it all wrong. What they should really be looking for is Triton's original orbit, a cleared-out orbit with no planet in it. And I doubt that we're talking about an orbit at the outer edges of the solar system. Triton's original orbit may have been closer to the Sun than Neptune. They need to figure out where Triton could have been in 580 A.D., then they will know where to look for that orbit." Why did the aliens move Triton? A display of power? St. George remarked that the star arrow only provides longitudinal coordinates. We also need to know the latitude . The planets have to be in the right position at the right time. And the three stars too, for that matter. The last stanza of the three stanzas is numbered IV-33. It begins: Jupiter closer to Venus than to the Moon, appearing in full whiteness. According to St. George, Earth and Jupiter would have to be pretty much on opposite sides of the Sun for this to be true, and the full Moon (more likely seen from the Alien Planet than from Earth) serves as a timer. The alignment is Alien Planet, Sun, Moon. The next line of IV-33 goes: Venus hidden under the whiteness Neptune (discovered more than two hundred years after the death of Nostradamus). Note that there's no "of" between whiteness and Neptune. Meanwhile, the French words following "hidden" (used elsewhere in the prophecies to cryptic ends), "soUS la bANcheUR," allows the extraction of "Uranus." Thus, the whiteness (partial rather than full) is Uranus, not Neptune, and we have a second alignment: Alien Planet, Uranus, Venus. IV-33 has one more line: From Mars struck through the white granary. Since Neptune was left hanging at the end of the preceding line, it should come into play here, meaning Neptune from Mars struck through the white granary. According to St. George, the "white granary" refers to a star cluster called the Pleiades, which happens to lie at the opposite side of the sky from Barnard 72. Until recently, St. George thought the planetary arrow to Barnard 72 commenced with Mars, so he not yet had a chance to check out if a Mars, Neptune, Pleiades alignment, or a Pleiades, Mars, Neptune alignment, is even feasible. Overall, there are only a limited number of possibilities. IV-33 gives us two inner planets, Venus and Mars, and two outer planets, Uranus and Neptune. Mars lines up with Neptune to hit the Pleiades, and Venus lines up with Uranus to hit the Alien Planet. Depending upon the Pleiades direction, Uranus and Neptune need to be together on the same side of the solar system or on directly opposing ends of the solar system. Also remember to check that you're viewing a full Moon from the Alien Planet, and that Jupiter is closer to Venus than the Moon at the same time. When? The skies and planets are in constant motion. In what year does all this happen? St. George is convinced that the date of the given configuration should somehow or somewhere be provided in the prophecies. Other than the stanza number, 433, we have 580, 700, 703, 882, 883, 1204, 1559, 1571, 1607, 1609, 1649, 1666, 1689, 1690, 1700, 1727, 1781, 1813, 1832, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1928, 1952, 1955, 1979, 1982, 1999, 2001, and 2006. The years 1571, 1607, 1781, 1859, and 1982 were astronomy related. St. George suspects one of the later years is more likely mainly because astronomers may not have accurate data the position of the outer planets in earlier times. "We have to assume that they want us to get it right, and precision is clearly required here." 2006? What happened in 2006? St. George replied: "Absolutely nothing. 2006 was a second, inferable date in a London catastrophe stanza. The date does not necessarily have to come from an astronomy stanza. It can be provided elsewhere." Please excuse the digression. My final question was: Do you realistically expect SETI astronomers to take you up on this coordinate stuff? St. George responded: "Yes. It would be foolish of them not to. The way they're going now, their odds of finding E.T. are not even one in a billion. If my theories merely reduce the odds to one in a thousand, their chances improve immensely. Moreover, I think they've forgotten; SETI was originally based on the premise that there are lots of intelligent civilizations out there, which in turn implies that at least one of them should have succeeded in exploring the entire galaxy by now." So there you have it, SETI astronomers, go forth and become famous; work out the coordinates, point your radio telescope there, and tell the world you heard from E.T.! Gersiane De Brito is an aspiring writer from Fortaleza, Brazil. Other articles by her can be found on the Cryptic Thinking Official Site: http://www.crypticthinking.com .

Is there really a Secret Rapture?
The secret rapture doctrine teaches that the coming of Jesus will be in two separate stages. The first, a secret rapture of the Church at the beginning of a seven year tribulation period followed by His glorious, audible, triumphant return to Earth accompanied by the Church at the end of the seven years. It also teaches that during this seven-year period the Antichrist is going to come into power, sit in a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God. It says that the war of Armageddon is a literal war of nations against literal Israel, which occurs near the end of the seven years and is ended abruptly by Christ’s return with His Church. It says that literal Israel accepts the Lord as the Messiah and enters with Him as His covenant people into the 1000-year reign on earth. Those who ultimately reject Christ’s rule will be judged and destroyed at the end of the Millennium. Is this what the Bible really shows? In Matthew 28:20 Jesus said “…and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Why would He promise to be with the church until the ‘end of the world’ if He intended to come seven years before the end to take them out of the world? The Bible shows clearly that God’s church will still be on earth when Jesus returns. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” It shows that when Jesus returns His angels will gather His people from the earth. Matthew 24:31 “And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” How could they gather the church from the earth if the church had come back with Christ? Every eye will see Jesus when He returns. This includes all of the non-believers and all of the believers. Revelation 1:7 “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” The Bible shows that His return will be sudden, and unexpected for unbelievers and those who have not studied His prophecies. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 says “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” This verse also shows that the unbelievers will be destroyed when Jesus returns. When the Lord returns there will be nothing secret about it. The dead in Christ will rise first, those of us who have overcome the time of tribulation and persecution and are still alive will be caught up to meet Him in the sky. All of the unbelievers will be destroyed and the earth will melt. 2 Peter 3:12 “Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” We will then go with Him to heaven where we will reign for a thousand years and the books will be opened and we will judge the nations. Revelation 20:4-5 “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus (definitely shows that they were on earth during the tribulation), and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.” The Bible shows that Jesus comes and gathers His people and that the unbelievers are all destroyed and are not raised again until the end of the millennium. The believers reign in heaven for a thousand years, as the earth has been destroyed. At the end of the millennium God makes a “new heaven and a new earth”. All Bible references are from the King James Version.For more information on this topic please visit http://www.secret-rapture.com/ Debra Lohrere is the author of Peace, Prophecy and False Fire http://www.lulu.com/content/333221 and Christian Investing and Money Management http://www.lulu.com/content/378757

"Rose Ariadne's Original, Confident Beauty Spell"
Here is the first in the easy witchcraft spell series, and it works best when done in the light of a full moon...1. You'll need a small hand mirror, the items you normally have on your altar, an extra handle of your favorite color (representing yourself), and a small charm or figurine that you find beautiful (it represents your attractiveness and beauty, both inside and out).2. Create your sacred spaces, cleanse your area, cast your circle, and all of the other things laid out for you in the Mystical World Of Ancient Witchcraft.3. Light your deity candles, and as you sit in the light of the candles (and the full moon) begin by looking at yourself in the mirror. As you are gazing at yourself, focus on all of the positive features you have... don't let ANY negative thoughts enter your mind. Look at your skin, your nose, your mouth, your eyes...acknowledge each part of your face and recognize how unique and special each part is. You came from the earth, you know, and the earth is truly beautiful - how could you be any less?4. Now, as you continue looking into the mirror, say: "I recognize myself, Rose Ariadne (or whatever your name is), as being a unique and beautiful person from the tips of my toes to the top of my head - and everywhere inside."5. Hold the mirror in your left had, as you light YOUR candle. Place the charm next to the candle, at it's base.6. Tilt the mirror so that you can see your candle, and the charm in it's reflection. Now say :"This candle represents me, Rose Ariadne (or whatever your name is). And this charm is my beauty on inside and out, that nobody lays claim to but me. For I am unique and special. As I see both of them in this mirror of light, so they are both a part of me. Myself, forever together with my beauty. No words will change it, no thought disband it. And so it is. So mote it be!"7. Blow out your candles, open your circle, and put things away... all the while think about the spell you just cast, and the feeling of confidence that has welled up inside of you. Focus on that feeling, remember how it feels, and make a promise to yourself not to let it go... but if you ever falter, and negativity takes hold in you again - this ritual will always be there for you to instantly rebuild your confidence... Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on easy witchcraft spells visit her site "The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

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