
Dont Just Think Positive Make Positive Things Happen! Posted By : Scott Martineau

First and foremost, what you have to understand is that we live in a universe. Every single thought, every single emotion, coupled together puts a feeling out which is a vibration. The vibration is what attracts things into your life.
Source: www.articlegold.com

The Awareness of Metaphysical Laws and Principles Part 1
INTRODUCTIONThe upsurge of spiritual energies encircling our planet at this present time, has resulted in an awakening in humanity of the existence of higher realities. Whatever the cause of this spiritual conflagration in the hearts and minds of humanity may be, the effects of its pulsation are readily apparent in the interest taken by the general public in the many metaphysical arts and sciences that were once considered occult and mystical, studied and applied by only an elite few. This higher awareness is gaining momentum with the aid of scientific research and study that is being carried-out in various universities and colleges--researches based on the theories of hyperspace and quantum physics, and also in the field of parapsychic science. Various paradigms of the constitution of man and his occult anatomy as found in Eastern philosophy and Yoga are being discovered to contain elements of truth. Even the nature of the occult processes of death are now being studied through various methods already established by science, such as hypnotic-regression. The problem now facing the metaphysical teacher and practitioner is:1) The integrating of present findings of science to traditional metaphysical knowledge so as to be able to convey spiritual truths and Cosmic Laws in a rational, logical and intelligent manner to the educated masses who are wary of traditional cultural values and knowledge that are out-worn or unscientifically presented, such as precepts of value that are sometimes wrongfully considered to be superstitions.2) To present new ways of teaching and healing in an efficacious and holistic manner.3) To personally prepare the metaphysician's own mind, body, and soul that s/he may effectively heal the dis-eased psycho-somatic principles of humanity.4) To present metaphysical truths that would stimulate and awaken the innate divinity of those interested persons, thus fostering spiritual growth in contradistinction to the development of religious fervor, bigotry, zealousness, and fanaticism. The precept of universalism falls upon the shoulders of metaphysicians to educate the masses.The four points above should be the main goal of metaphysics. Too often we see so-called metaphysical counselors degenerating into psycho-deceivers and rapists, into street fortune tellers and psychic readers who present sensational readings to appease the lower selves of their clients. Such a manner of counseling causes a dependency to others on the part of the client. As a result, spiritual growth is stunted for both the client and the counselor; for the counselor is responsible for what he teaches. Most people seem to believe that psychic ability indicates a high spiritual development. This is one of the erroneous beliefs concerning metaphysics that has to be rectified. A psychic person may not be spiritual, neither does a spiritually-evolved person to a certain degree have to be psychic. Low forms of psychicism may be atavistic, an indication of soul-regression, for certain animals have shown to be sensitive to psychic impressions. Psychic abilities may deceive a person and others into thinking that one is an "old soul." There is an element of pride in this and is a spiritual pitfall. Like the medical profession that upholds the ethical code of Harpocrates, the metaphysician should conform to the divine moral principles that resides in his innermost being, and not deceive anyone, himself included, as to the puerile over-concern over one's soul status or spiritual standing.In this dawning of the Aquarian Age, every person is to be their own priest and healer. This should be kept in mind by those who are seeking to be shepherds of men. Like Socrates, counselors should be adept in awakening the inner intelligence of those who come to his sanctum for advice by mystical, metaphysical and psychological means, and not simply repeating scriptural verses or platitudes parrot-like for their clients to swallow. People may reiterate verbally the wisdom of others, and yet in their lives we see nothing--no divinity expressing through them. To practice what we preach is a trite saying, but a true one nevertheless.Metaphysical and spiritual teachers should strive to connect every person who calls at his door to the person's own Inner Light, to the person's own innate wisdom or Buddhic Mind. We should all take responsibility for our own spiritual unfoldment. Self-reliance and self-motivation are factors that indicate the maturing of the soul. It is of vital importance to educate people the lesson of non-dependency upon the unreal, that which is false, the non-self, upon externals, and upon the fallible human intellect.Awareness of higher realms is not synonymous to the ability to function in those states. Before one can operate one's microcosmic components in higher dimensions and apply the laws governing any field of evolution, the laws of those states must be understood; the occult nature of man must be known and developed. For without the understanding of such, wisdom and power lies dormant. The Universe operates through Cosmic Laws and creative principles. By knowing and understanding these laws, it is possible for the human mind/will to apply and direct these laws so as to manifest perfection in mind, body, and soul. Cosmic energies may be harnessed by knowing its source, nature, and how it operates in the universe; and by duplicating the processes of creation in our individual lives, we raise our creative level and output that eventually manifests in abundance, prosperity, peace, health, love and fulfillment. A high level of awareness creates strong, constructive survivors out of us. It stimulates in us a profound interest in the abstract, in the first causes of mundane manifestations of circumstances, conditions and states that fill our lives.An intellectual understanding of the Cosmos and its laws, and Reality, is insufficient, however. At a certain point of one's probing into Reality, the intellect has to be transcended and a higher faculty of the soul brought into activity. It is incumbent upon the metaphysical counselor to unfold divine qualities such as wisdom, love, power, and intelligence that he may be an effective instrument in the hands of the Divine Being.Laws of Nature belonging to any realm of existence are natural. It is only by non-awareness and non-apprehension of those laws that we call them "super-natural." Nature manifests as a whole spectrum of energies, and only an infinitesimal part of it is perceptible to man's senses. By expanding one's consciousness by daily attunement with the Divine Mind, one gradually realizes the interrelationship of all manifestations, which in reality is of one essence. This awareness assists us to get into touch with the immaculate being of other people, and from such a level of awareness it is possible to aid them to improve their lives in a beneficial manner.Our purpose in this paper is to present some of the important points of Cosmic Law and principles that the metaphysical counselor should be familiar and fully grounded with, thus increasing his effectiveness in his ministry. In Christian Tradition, it is believed that St. Peter holds the keys to the portal of heaven. "Peter" means "rock," which in a philosophical and esoteric sense, signifies something fundamental, a foundation, a basis. Therefore, spiritually interpreted, Peter and the keys simply mean the fundamental laws and principles that when applied, opens our awareness to the spiritual heavenly state of our primordial consciousness. Higher metaphysical awareness can only be acquired when the fundamental laws of the Cosmos are sought, understood, and applied. There should be a sincerity of purpose in the heart of the metaphysician, for without it divine attunement would be difficult. This lack of divine attunement manifests in a poor expression of one's ministry. The metaphysician must be attracted to the human soul and its manifold qualities; its struggles, its pain, its sorrows, its aspiration toward Truth and the Light, and its endeavour to acquiring freedom from mortal limitation and delusion. Such an interest unfolds one of the most important divine attributes in man--compassion. The true metaphysician is a mystic and an occultist, a magician, a philosopher, priest, scientist, and a humanitarian. All true servants of the Divine Being and humanity are Bodhisattvas. As a public servant, the metaphysician should live-up to this image--by expressing his innate Buddha-Mind in the world of men. This he should do so if he is to avoid being a metaphysician in name only.REVIEW OF LITERATUREIn this chapter we will present two themes which we feel are the basis of metaphysical thought and awareness, and possessing the potentiality of spiritual application. To the metaphysician, they are the keys that unlock the door to myriad possibilities in healing and counseling. We will not overburden this section discussing the many excellent books and literature on the subject, we will, however, quote a few passages to support our notions and assertions. In the following chapter we shall present several principles and laws as related to those two themes that could be expressed as "relative and Absolute Reality."Awareness of the Mind and its Relationship to Mundane RealityMetaphysics is the study of true perception; the knowing of the First Cause that brought the universe into being and the ontological processes that manifests life in the physical dimension; it is the personal awareness of the causes that creates one's reality, the causes that are beyond the physical and material plane. The word "Reality," of the above heading here refers to one's mortal experiences in the samsaric, relative worlds and not to the Absolute. What one experiences in life is determined by the attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, opinions and feelings one revolves in one's psyche. They are the cause of our fortune or misfortune. Our mind is an expression of the Divine Mind of the Universe, and thus, functions in a microcosmic manner and in the world as a creator. The mind creates in the world of form whatever lies within its consciousness, and more subtly but forcefully, whatever lurks in its subconsciousness. How we use our mind in filling these lower streams of the Divine Consciousness causes the many circumstances in life that we find ourselves experiencing. By creating our inner reality, we manifest our external reality--the outer is but a reflection of the inner. Animal breeds after their kind, so do our thoughts and feelings. For instance, poverty thoughts create poverty while sickly thoughts manifest sicknesses. Negative thoughts expresses outwardly as negative words and actions, and they usually rebound back to us as negative feedback from all those around us. What is true for the negative is also true for the positive polarity. This is the law of "like attracts like" in operation within the psychological and psychospiritual being of man. It is in this wise that we create and are responsible for our own heaven and hell on earth. We are creators and not mere creatures. The Aquarian Gospel puts it this way:God never made a heaven for man; he never made a hell; we are creators and we make our own." (33:9)Living in hell-like circumstances and states is is the result of one's ignorance and misapplication of the laws of the mind. Our mind is a two-edged sword that either "slays" the Real by its misperception or able to cut-through the unreal by its power of discrimination between the true and the false. Man was given the "freewill" to choose either one. Correcting one's inner state--one's attitudes, and belief-framework by positive, uplifting, constructive and lofty thoughts cause, spiritually speaking, the manifestation of heaven in one's mundane experiences. Heaven is actually one's way of perceiving things. We may see things as they are, or as they appear to be. Appearances are deceptive, a veil of Maya upon the senses. Hindu philosophy knows the world to be a play of the mind--Krishna's leela. True perception is the de-hypnotizing of the mind of its false conceptions and ideas based upon opinions and not facts--that it may see beyond the veil--that it may cognize and recognize one's true nature as the New Jerusalem.It is well known to mystics, and documented by psychic researchers, that the subconscious mind radiates or broadcasts thoughts and feelings. Thoughts are patterns of energy-waves that tend to actualize or concretize in the world of form. Our minds, at a subconscious, psychic level, have the power to create sub-atomic particles from the Universal Substance. Whatever we conceive and generate in our minds, whether expressed or repressed, we influence our outer and inner environment--and thus, indirectly speaking, to us personally. It is for this reason that in order to create abundance, peace, health, and contentment in our lives and in the lives of others, the first step that we have to take is in the amelioration of the nature of our thoughts. Aside from improving one's life, lofty thoughts also stimulate the higher chakras, or psychic centers. Prince Gautama who became the Buddha, discerned this truth and incorporated it into his teachings, in order to relieve the state of suffering in humanity and to set their feet firmly onto the path of spiritual integration. "Right Thinking" as taught by the enlightened prince, is one of the steps in the Buddhistic Eightfold-Path.How one creates one's reality is a theme in many of the channeled teachings that is being conveyed to us at our present area. This is, however, but an echo of the ancient sages and their teachings."New Age" truths are but fragments of the eternal Wisdom that was taught by them. There is, as the Solomonic saying goes, "nothing new under the sun." Understanding how we create our reality is one of the points that the metaphysician should be familiar with. It is one of the basic teachings that has to be inculcated in the minds of men, for the correct apprehension of this principle has the power of transforming a person's life.The metaphysician has to awaken a sense of responsibility in his clients, that they take control over their world. Many people believe that they are weak and powerless to change things directly or indirectly. This may or may not be true; however, one still has the freedom to choose one's response and attitude toward things; and more important, one has the power of putting the right causes into motion in the realm o the mind that will indirectly change and influence conditions and events. Such an awareness should be instilled into the minds of people that they begin to live harmoniously, for when the source and cause of abundance are known and applied, less tension will there be in the struggle for survival. The laws of the jungle will be replaced with the Law of Love. Instead of competition there will be cooperation. There will eventually be more time and energy for higher pursuits. Without a higher awareness of life, man wastes and squanders his time and resources on trivial matters, and this causes one's evolution to stagnate. Copyright © 2006 Luxamore Leonard Lee aka Luxamore Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia. Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc. Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.
Source: www.ArticlePros.com

Psychic Training - Anyone can be a Psychic Reader Posted By : Robert Watson
To reach the psychic level you desire, you will need to practice, but you also need a certain amount of training and preparation. Everyone has psychic skills, but it takes the right person to figure out how to use them.
Source: www.articlegold.com

Mustika Bezoar Pearls--Notes
"Bezoar" comes from the Persian word, "pá zahar," meaning "antidote against Poison" (pa-cure, zahar-poison). The term is normally applied to stones found in the stomach and digestive system of animals. We use the term in a generic sense for concretions to be found in all organs of animals, plants, and in other aspects of Nature. Indonesian occultists and shamans with this definition in mind, refer to bezoar stones as "mustikas." In other parts of the East they are called by various names, such as "geliga" (Malaysia) and "Mutya" (Philippines). Ancient naturalists gave specific names to the bezoar stones as found in animals. For instance, bezoar stones of eagles were called, "Aetites," or "Aquilenus." A similar term, "Aquilinus" refers to the stones found in the head of fishes. "Crapandia" was the name of the stone found in toads. Swallows produced concretions called "Chelidonius." The stones found in cocks were called "Alectorius," and "Celonite" was the name of the bezoar stone found in tortoises. The occultist and naturalist, "Albertus Magnus," referred to the stone taken from the head of dragons as "Draconites." This latter bezoar stone was considered a great treasure by the kings and emperors of the East. As a rule, bezoar stones or mustikas were, and are highly valued--to the knowledgeable they are regarded in high esteem for their practical qualities in the healing of mind, body, and soul, as well as conferring upon the wearer wonderful psychic and spiritual qualities when used in the correct manner. These pearls can be costly, one source relates that in contemporary times, some of these bezoar stones are offered by Traditional Medicine at a price of US$20,000 per stone! Bezoar stones are mostly calculus concretions to be found in animals and plants, though they are also found (perhaps developed through different processes) in the environment in which these creatures live. Certain animals such as snakes, deer, centipedes, monkeys, wild goats, camels, porcupines, antelopes, etc. produce them in abundance. Some mustika pearls have their origin in so-called mythological creatures such as dragons and sea-serpents. Unusual stones and pearls in our collection were acquired by shamans and occultists possessing expertise in the field of mustikas. Bezoar stones according to some scientific investigators, are composed mostly of calcium phosphate, with some elements of the crystalline mineral, "brushite." Certain bezoar stones contain oxide of iron, silex, alumina, etc. Gemologists may analyze them to be simply natural-mineral or semi-precious stones--but what makes these bezoar stones special and unique is their point of origin, and many owners of these pearls have come to realize that they contain a psychic intelligence or presence. Some psychics verify that bezoar stones have an indwelling elemental spirit called by occultists "fairies," "elves," etc. Royalty were very fond of bezoar stones--not solely because of their exquisiteness or their unusual appearance, but because of the great magickal virtues that they confer to the possessor--virtues such as charisma, an authoritative-bearing, personal magnetism, psychic sensitivity, etc. Queen Elizabeth I, for instance, is historically recorded to have had several bezoar stones as part of her crown jewels. Xá Abás, one of the kings of Persia, was also fond of the stones. According to one legend, one of the Shahs of Iran gave several bezoar stones to Napoleon--something which "the conqueror" greatly honored. He later tried to destroy them in fire, perhaps so that they would not fall into the wrong hands. In the "Garuda Purana," a Hindu scripture, bezoar stones are highly extolled; while in western literature, speaking of the toad-stone, Shakespeare acknowledged their existence in "As You Like It, (Act II, Scene i)": Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head . . . Bezoar stones are scarce--some are rare! Most have great beauty while others may look unsightly and as worthless baubles--but within them all lies great virtues and magickal power that are probably more potent than ordinary crystals and gemstones--especially for healing work. The contemporary practice of crystal healing is based on the ancient healing-art of applying the bezoar stones to the body to neutralize poison. As the latter were scarce, ordinary crystals and stones were used instead. One is most fortunate to possess these bezoar stones--especially the higher quality ones which are prized greatly by collectors and occult practitioners. They can be considered not only as investments--possession alone actually improves the financial and social condition of their owner--one reason why they were sought for by noblemen and kings. The knowledgeable occultist would know how to wield and take full-advantage of the power that these stones possess. These bezoar stones are actually physical representations of the "Cintamani" or the "wish-fulfilling" jewel of the Buddhists--they help to fulfill one's innermost and cherished dreams. Most of these mustika pearls have their origin in the Indonesian archipelago--from the islands of Kalimantan (Borneo), Java, and Sumatra. It is a fact , though, that even in these islands bezoar stones are scarce. ---------------Mustikas are unusual objects formed in animals and plants. They may assume the shape of regular oyster-pearls and tumbled stones or in unusual shapes and sizes. In their unpolished /untumbled state, they have a rough texture. Unlike oysters that form pearls out of irritation, Nature forms these pearls in the bodies of diverse animals, plants and fruits for some reason unknown as yet to us. They are unusual creations that may correspond to human cancers, cysts, and tumors. Not all animals or plants of the same species form these pearls, but they possibly do occur in almost every living being. Unusual pearls have also been found in the bodies of saints and holy people; this might possibly be an indication that animal and plant pearls are the manifestation of an organism's highest energy crystallized and formed out of conscious or subconscious aspiration to a higher evolutionary level or state. Some mustikas are fossilized parts of an animal or a plant, such as the eyes of a creature. After thousands or millions of years these eyes through a natural process have crystallized, hardened and acquired occult powers. The formation of a mustika pearl or a fossilized body-part are directed by Nature's invisible forces and intelligences. Normally these intelligences are elemental spirits that guide the process of the creation of a mustika pearl, and they subsequently make these pearls or fossils their home. Those carrying these pearls are served by the indwelling elementals in various ways; they help to strengthen their keepers aura and nervous system; they confer positive energies; they empower the brain centers, etc. The natural energies of these pearls attracts luck, neutralizes and wards-off negative forces. They have a natural tonic effect upon the physical system. They are more powerful than ordinary gemstones and crystals when applied for certain purposes. Added onto ritualistic items such as wands, they would truly empower an occult practitioner's magickal operations. Western occultists have yet to investigate and discover the power of these mustika pearls that heretofore have only been mentioned in myths and fairy tales--as secrets known only to the ancients. Mustikas are widely known in South-East Asia, India, and other countries of the East. Malays, for instance, call Mustikas "Geliga"; Phlipinos call them "Mutya." Occidental naturalists of the past referred to them as "bezoar stones." The powerful stones told in tales and legends are actually mustikas. The Sanskrit text, "Sri Garuda-Puranam," speaks in detail of these pearls. In essence it declares a man acquires great fortune and blessings by possessing a mustika. These magickal pearls are one-of-a-kind, unique, rare, and powerful. It is said that only fortunate people are able to acquire and keep them. Where Are They Mostly Found and Acquired? The mustikas--pearls and fossils accessible to us from our sources--have been acquired mostly in the Indonesian archipelago. They have been discovered in caves, jungles, sacred places, historical sites and in the remains of animals and plants. Some of them were magickally retrieved from the etheric planes by occultists who specializes in this unusual feat. The power within these pearls are sometimes known by the psychic struggle the occultist had to go through with the spirit guardians in order to acquire them. Quite a number of these pearls were gifts to our sources by tribal shamans and chieftains. How the existence and virtues of the pearls are discovered could sometimes occur quite by accident. For instance, tribal hunters may find an animal exhibiting a degree of invulnerability to their weapons; after having finally killed the animal with the help of a shaman, they would discover that the creature possessed strange pearls lodged or embedded in their head or body. Subsequent investigation would reveal that it was these pearls that gave the animal its invulnerability power. Animals are not hunted or killed for mustikas/pearls, though, as shamans know that they can hardly be found in that manner--the discovery of a pearl is often incidental to the killing of a creature for food or because they are a menace to villagers. Pearls are mostly found in the remains, dens, and nests of the creatures. Centipede are one of the many creatures that form pearls. These pearls are formed by the mucous of the giant centipede, which it plays about with its mandibles and then places it on top of its head where it crystallizes and in time falls off to the ground. Some centipede pearls are formed in the stomach. Genuine centipede mustika pearls are prized by gamblers for the luck that it bestows upon its master. Generally speaking, the virtues of pearls are known by the observation of their effects in one's daily life as they are carried, worn or attuned to by certain methods such as psychic contact with the indwelling elemental spirit. Some of the pearls have quite unusual physical effects, such as the costly and rare Mustika Merah Delima that tinges water where it is immersed in with a red coloring--or so the story goes. How to Determine the Real from the Fake There are various ways for determining whether a mustika is real or a fake. Some of the various points to be considered are the following: The Energy PresentWhen a pearl is held between the thumb and forefinger, as the breath is held, energy would be felt as issuing forth from it. The longer it is held the stronger will the energy be palpable. The energy would run through one's arm and finally reach the heart or to one of the other chakras within the body depending upon its quality. Fakes do not give such sensations. The Presence of an Elemental SpiritEach and every one of the mustika pearls have an indwelling elemental spirit--fakes do not have them unless attached by a knowledgeble occultist. The presence of the spirit may be felt and communicated with by a psychic. The Medicinal Properties.Without exception, all mustikas have vibrational healing virtues which may be tapped into. Again, fakes do not possess such power. The Difference Between Mustikas and Ordinary Consecrated Talismans There are several principles that differentiates mustika pearls from talismans. Among them : 1) Mustikas are empowered by Nature's forces and intelligences--unlike talismans which are consecrated by human operators. 2) The power and elemental spirit within a mustika pearl are not extinguishable or transferable to other objects, unlike the power within talismans which may be magickally neutralized or transferred to other items. 3) No observances or prayers are required for mustika owners in order to maintain its power or have them function perfectly--unlike talismans which do. Copyright © 2006 Luxamore Leonard Lee aka Luxamore Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia. Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc. Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.
Source: www.ArticlePros.com

7 Ways to Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Faster Results Posted By : Daniel Hinds
Manifesting takes a delicate balancing act. The law of attraction requires a look inside of yourself to gain more harmony with the universe. The moment you discover the steps everything flows faster and greater.
Source: www.articlegold.com

Occult Fiction: Novels for Your Private Collection, Part 1
For years I’ve heard complaints about a lack of Occult fiction portraying Witches realistically in a contemporary setting. And it’s true. As a Wiccan and novelist writing Occult fiction, I’m just as much a fan of the genre as any reader. However, I have found if you search carefully, there are dazzling gems awaiting discovery, novels that should be a part of your contemporary Occult fiction collection.To find these novels I have narrowed my search criteria to dark urban fantasy novels set in contemporary times or in the near future. At least half the rituals, magick, or sorcery used by the main character must be based on real magickal principles. The main character must be human, and the plot not overshadowed by trendy leagues of vampires.Having set those guidelines, I want to present my first recommendation for must-read Occult fiction. All I can say is if you’ve never read Lilith Saintcrow’s “Dante Valentine” series you are in for a treat!Saintcrow is best known for her paranormal romance novels, the “Watcher” series, featuring elemental Witches and their handsome guardians. However, Dante Valentine was created from an entirely different cut of cloth.There are five novels in the series. The first two, “Working for the Devil” and “Dead Man Rising” have already been published. The last three novels are scheduled for publication in 2007 and 2008.Dante Valentine is a Necromance, who works for lawyers, raising the spirits of the dead when wills come into question. She also takes a few bounty hunting jobs on the side to help pay her mortgage. “Danny” is a wise-cracking whirlwind of energy with a haunting past that won’t quit. Devoted to the Egyptian god Anubis, she entertains Pagan readers with plenty of rituals, spells, and magick.The series takes place in the near future, as the plot races from one high to the next at lightning speed. This is contemporary Occult fiction at its finest, the kind of book you can’t put down until you finish it. And one you’ll still be thinking about months later.Saintcrow is a master at creating memorable characters and deftly plotted novels. If you’ve been searching for awesome Occult fiction to add to your personal collection, this should be the first series on your list. You won’t be disappointed! Laura Stamps is an award-winning novelist, as well as a Wiccan and feral cat rescuer. The recipient of a Pulitzer Prize nomination and seven Pushcart Award nominations, she is the author of a popular series of Occult Novels for Women found at www.KittyfeatherPress.blogspot.com
Source: www.ArticlePros.com

Is there really a Secret Rapture?
The secret rapture doctrine teaches that the coming of Jesus will be in two separate stages. The first, a secret rapture of the Church at the beginning of a seven year tribulation period followed by His glorious, audible, triumphant return to Earth accompanied by the Church at the end of the seven years. It also teaches that during this seven-year period the Antichrist is going to come into power, sit in a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God. It says that the war of Armageddon is a literal war of nations against literal Israel, which occurs near the end of the seven years and is ended abruptly by Christ’s return with His Church. It says that literal Israel accepts the Lord as the Messiah and enters with Him as His covenant people into the 1000-year reign on earth. Those who ultimately reject Christ’s rule will be judged and destroyed at the end of the Millennium. Is this what the Bible really shows? In Matthew 28:20 Jesus said “…and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Why would He promise to be with the church until the ‘end of the world’ if He intended to come seven years before the end to take them out of the world? The Bible shows clearly that God’s church will still be on earth when Jesus returns. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” It shows that when Jesus returns His angels will gather His people from the earth. Matthew 24:31 “And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” How could they gather the church from the earth if the church had come back with Christ? Every eye will see Jesus when He returns. This includes all of the non-believers and all of the believers. Revelation 1:7 “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” The Bible shows that His return will be sudden, and unexpected for unbelievers and those who have not studied His prophecies. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 says “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” This verse also shows that the unbelievers will be destroyed when Jesus returns. When the Lord returns there will be nothing secret about it. The dead in Christ will rise first, those of us who have overcome the time of tribulation and persecution and are still alive will be caught up to meet Him in the sky. All of the unbelievers will be destroyed and the earth will melt. 2 Peter 3:12 “Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” We will then go with Him to heaven where we will reign for a thousand years and the books will be opened and we will judge the nations. Revelation 20:4-5 “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus (definitely shows that they were on earth during the tribulation), and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.” The Bible shows that Jesus comes and gathers His people and that the unbelievers are all destroyed and are not raised again until the end of the millennium. The believers reign in heaven for a thousand years, as the earth has been destroyed. At the end of the millennium God makes a “new heaven and a new earth”. All Bible references are from the King James Version.For more information on this topic please visit http://www.secret-rapture.com/ Debra Lohrere is the author of Peace, Prophecy and False Fire http://www.lulu.com/content/333221 and Christian Investing and Money Management http://www.lulu.com/content/378757
Source: www.ArticlePros.com

A General Look at Alchemy Part 4 Posted By : Leonard Lee
Steps in Alchemy: Sanctification, Purification, Putrefaction, Fermentation, Combustion, Regeneration, Atonement. Conclusion.
Source: www.articlegold.com

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