
The Role of Fake Media in Society

As we all have our eyes fixated in Iraq, Israel, or the potential for another stolen election this year it is important to not forget the role of media in our everyday lives. So many Americans get their information from the tainted mainstream media machine run by the current government that it is a frightening prospect to merely hope the truth somehow gets through. I am sure we all know people who are seemingly good folk, but somehow they keep getting it wrong on such crucial matters such as election fraud, the war, or any number of Bush-GOP scandals. You have to realize the gauntlet of false news that is thrown at them each day, which is the basis for their political opinions. Case in point is the poster child of fake news, Fox News. Using false slogans such as "fair and balanced" or "we report, you decide", Fox News has made its living on being nothing short of propaganda for the Republican Party. News shows are peppered with pro-administration stories and even when they have to cover a negative story; it is always framed from a positive angle, thus skewing the truth. The amount of time spent on positive stories versus negative GOP stories is staggering and the guests on their various shows are designed to put a loud, confident voice on the republican side and a milquetoast, timid voice on the democratic side. That is never more evident than on their flagship show Hannity and Colmes where the jaw-jutting, boisterous Hannity is opposed by the meek and affable Colmes. Guests are extreme ideologues on the right, such as war criminal Oliver North or venom-witch Anne Coulter and moderate voices on the left; people you or I have probably never heard of. News is not reported on Fox, it is packaged. The pre-set talking points for the GOP are sent to Fox each day, so that the commentators throughout the day can repeat them over and over again, so that eventually the populace begins to think it is true. Just this past week we saw President Bush began to use the ridiculous term islamo-fascism and sure enough, there was all the Fox commentators using the same ridiculous line all night long. Karl Rove says to call all democrats who support a troop withdrawal, cut and runners and that very night there is O'Reilly, Hannity and company calling them cut and runners. Never mind that the majority of the American people support bringing our troops home, it does not matter in the world of fake news. The opinion of the American people does not matter when you are deciding what the news will be. Not satisfied with this, Fox also employs flat out lies in their coverage. It was recently discovered that Fox used a"conservative strategist" named Karen Czarnecki on their evening "news" shows. What they did not tell us was that she was not really a conservative strategist. No, Ms. Czarnecki actually was the Labor Department deputy assistant secretary. She was a government employee posing as a pundit on a news program, offering her opinion that not surprisingly, agreed with the government line. The damage done here is that people watching think they are getting an honest opinion, when in reality they are only getting the opinion from the government's standpoint. Similarly, when the administration is in a tough spot, they call on Fox to provide them with an "exclusive", meaning an administration official can sit with someone like Sean Hannity to express the government's opinion without the threat of an actual news interview breaking out. Dick Cheney and Karl Rove have both appeared on these "exclusives" where Hannity did not pose one serious question in opposition to the government position. Propaganda at its best. Propaganda does not end with Fox though, as most realize now that they are not fair, nor balanced. The real damage done by Fox News is that it makes the other news sources seem mainstream, when in fact they mimic Fox and rarely question the GOP controlled government. People like Chris Matthews are presented as moderate when in reality he has as worse a record in supporting the GOP then anyone on Fox. People like Tucker Carlson and Joe Scarborough are presented as average guys representing America. Never mind that Scarborough is a former GOP Congressman and Tucker is as republican as they get. America buys it. About the only beacon in this sea of untruth is Countdown with Keith Olbermann but you have to sift through hours of lies just to get to that one beacon. Moving past TV news however, the same bias exists in print media. Many local papers have sold out the American people for the interest of the companies that own them. People look at the New York Times as some bastion of liberalism, but a closer look reveals that while some op-ed writers are liberal, the paper itself is not. It is owned by pro-Israel folks who agree with this administration. They supported the Iraq War and in case you forgot, Judith Miller worked for them when she sold us the WMD lies, straight from her confidential White House sources. Not all subterfuge however is so subtle. Here in New York we deal with a paper like the New York Post. The Post is possibly the worst paper in the country in terms of objectivity, which should be the hallmark of any newspaper. The Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News. It is estimated that it LOSES 15-30 million dollars per year. Estimates are necessary because Murdoch refuses to allow anyone to know how much he really loses for operating the Post. Why does he insist on operating a paper that loses so much money? Because he does not care about the money, he cares about putting his version of the news on the streets of New York every day. The Post is propaganda straight out of Communist Russia during the cold war. There is never a bad word uttered in its pages about the GOP or the Bush administration. Every article, whether op-ed or "news" is framed to support the GOP. The op-ed section is littered with pro-GOP rhetoric including the daily White House talking points. I know well principled people who rely on the Post as their primary news source each day and it is no wonder that their political opinions are often simply inaccurate.write internet content
Source: www.ArticlePros.com

Aliens: Where SETI Astronomers Can Find Them
SETI, or Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has been an ongoing endeavor for many decades. In the early days, it was expected to be a quick success, so much so that national governments even helped fund these projects. Like the Moon race, there was something of a "find E.T." race. All that is gone now. Government funding has virtually evaporated around the globe. The explanation is simple: no one likes a perpetual failure. The few remaining SETI efforts have to count on private funding to scrape along. Well, the objective of this article is to come to the rescue of the last of the SETI astronomers, to tell them where they can find E.T. so that they can regain the world's respect. That last sentence was not meant to be cynical. As noted in my article "Decoding Book Resurrects the Ancient Astronaut Theme," author Morten St. George claims that some of the prophecies of Nostradamus are of alien origin, and that those prophecies tell us how to calculate the galactic coordinates of where E.T. came from. In a follow-up interview, I posed the following question to St. George: Do you agree that contact with intelligent aliens could be of immense importance to humankind? He agreed. Then I asked: Do you agree that this is more important than your selling a few copies of your cryptic thinking book? He agreed. This article will be a little longer and a little more technical than the others. According to St. George, three prophetic stanzas combine to provide information about E.T.'s location. The first of these is stanza number I-81. Here, the first four words of the fourth verse are the most relevant: "Kappa, Thita, Lambda, mors." St. George says he has an etymological dictionary that defines "mors" as the "bite of a scorpion." Consequently, Kappa, Theta, and Lambda are the names of three stars in the tail section of the constellation Scorpius. (Note that the use of Greek letters for star names postdates Nostradamus). It's a star arrow, and Lambda is the arrow head. Elsewh:ere, the prophecies name three cities to form an arrow circling around the globe; thus, St. George believes the three stars should be viewed as points on a sphere. Where does the star arrow point? St. George says he followed the star arrow upwards on a star map and it hit or passed close to a dark cloud called Barnard 72, for which he already had other indications. So that's the answer. E.T. came from or near Barnard 72. But we're not done yet. We're looking for precise coordinates. The second stanza is numbered IV-32. According to St. George's decoding, this stanza tells a story: Once upon a time, Triton, Pluto, and Charon formed a triple planet system with a distinct orbit around the Sun. Then one day, the aliens came along, grabbed hold of Triton, and pushed it into a retrograde orbit around the planet Neptune. In route to Neptune, Pluto and Charon hung on for a while, then broke loose and drifted off into a new orbit. When did this happen? St. George says the aliens were here in 580 A.D., so that would be his guess for the date of these planet manipulations. I mentioned that I had read on the Internet that Pluto has been downgraded, that it is no longer considered a planet. St. George responded: "I believe that was because they found that Pluto didn't clear away debris in its orbit. But since 580 A.D., a contemporary date in terms of solar system history, Pluto in its new orbit would have made only a handful of complete orbits around the Sun, hardly enough time to clear away much debris. In any case, the astronomers got it all wrong. What they should really be looking for is Triton's original orbit, a cleared-out orbit with no planet in it. And I doubt that we're talking about an orbit at the outer edges of the solar system. Triton's original orbit may have been closer to the Sun than Neptune. They need to figure out where Triton could have been in 580 A.D., then they will know where to look for that orbit." Why did the aliens move Triton? A display of power? St. George remarked that the star arrow only provides longitudinal coordinates. We also need to know the latitude . The planets have to be in the right position at the right time. And the three stars too, for that matter. The last stanza of the three stanzas is numbered IV-33. It begins: Jupiter closer to Venus than to the Moon, appearing in full whiteness. According to St. George, Earth and Jupiter would have to be pretty much on opposite sides of the Sun for this to be true, and the full Moon (more likely seen from the Alien Planet than from Earth) serves as a timer. The alignment is Alien Planet, Sun, Moon. The next line of IV-33 goes: Venus hidden under the whiteness Neptune (discovered more than two hundred years after the death of Nostradamus). Note that there's no "of" between whiteness and Neptune. Meanwhile, the French words following "hidden" (used elsewhere in the prophecies to cryptic ends), "soUS la bANcheUR," allows the extraction of "Uranus." Thus, the whiteness (partial rather than full) is Uranus, not Neptune, and we have a second alignment: Alien Planet, Uranus, Venus. IV-33 has one more line: From Mars struck through the white granary. Since Neptune was left hanging at the end of the preceding line, it should come into play here, meaning Neptune from Mars struck through the white granary. According to St. George, the "white granary" refers to a star cluster called the Pleiades, which happens to lie at the opposite side of the sky from Barnard 72. Until recently, St. George thought the planetary arrow to Barnard 72 commenced with Mars, so he not yet had a chance to check out if a Mars, Neptune, Pleiades alignment, or a Pleiades, Mars, Neptune alignment, is even feasible. Overall, there are only a limited number of possibilities. IV-33 gives us two inner planets, Venus and Mars, and two outer planets, Uranus and Neptune. Mars lines up with Neptune to hit the Pleiades, and Venus lines up with Uranus to hit the Alien Planet. Depending upon the Pleiades direction, Uranus and Neptune need to be together on the same side of the solar system or on directly opposing ends of the solar system. Also remember to check that you're viewing a full Moon from the Alien Planet, and that Jupiter is closer to Venus than the Moon at the same time. When? The skies and planets are in constant motion. In what year does all this happen? St. George is convinced that the date of the given configuration should somehow or somewhere be provided in the prophecies. Other than the stanza number, 433, we have 580, 700, 703, 882, 883, 1204, 1559, 1571, 1607, 1609, 1649, 1666, 1689, 1690, 1700, 1727, 1781, 1813, 1832, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1928, 1952, 1955, 1979, 1982, 1999, 2001, and 2006. The years 1571, 1607, 1781, 1859, and 1982 were astronomy related. St. George suspects one of the later years is more likely mainly because astronomers may not have accurate data the position of the outer planets in earlier times. "We have to assume that they want us to get it right, and precision is clearly required here." 2006? What happened in 2006? St. George replied: "Absolutely nothing. 2006 was a second, inferable date in a London catastrophe stanza. The date does not necessarily have to come from an astronomy stanza. It can be provided elsewhere." Please excuse the digression. My final question was: Do you realistically expect SETI astronomers to take you up on this coordinate stuff? St. George responded: "Yes. It would be foolish of them not to. The way they're going now, their odds of finding E.T. are not even one in a billion. If my theories merely reduce the odds to one in a thousand, their chances improve immensely. Moreover, I think they've forgotten; SETI was originally based on the premise that there are lots of intelligent civilizations out there, which in turn implies that at least one of them should have succeeded in exploring the entire galaxy by now." So there you have it, SETI astronomers, go forth and become famous; work out the coordinates, point your radio telescope there, and tell the world you heard from E.T.! Gersiane De Brito is an aspiring writer from Fortaleza, Brazil. Other articles by her can be found on the Cryptic Thinking Official Site: http://www.crypticthinking.com .
Source: www.ArticlePros.com

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