
Maria Duval - No God Messages For Buses

No God Messages For Buses
Buses in London could soon contain atheist messages as the British Humanist Association BHA are fundraising to have god-dispelling advertising on bendy-buses Professor Richard Dawkins has backed the campaign which aims to have 60 London buses carrying the signs for four weeks

Evolving Beyond Religion
Religion to the mature adult is as dinosaurs are to a three-year-old Both are created by a maturing mind that lives in uncertainty times and fear

No God Messages For Buses
Buses in London could soon contain atheist messages as the British Humanist Association BHA are fundraising to have god-dispelling advertising on bendy-buses Professor Richard Dawkins has backed the campaign which aims to have 60 London buses carrying the signs for four weeks

Evolving Beyond Religion
Religion to the mature adult is as dinosaurs are to a three-year-old Both are created by a maturing mind that lives in uncertainty times and fear

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