
Saved by guardian angel?

Today is 888. What a special day it is. 888 is a prosperous number Chinese culture that is why 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing shall begin on this day! May it prove to be a lucky date for the world and all. Peace.

A few years ago, I was driving my car in the torrential rain on a tight, two lane road with my eight-year-old daughter. I drove up a gradient in the road and a couple of vehicles were stationary in front with their left signals blinking. The lane opposite was squeezing with a flow of oncoming traffic.

It was a sudden realisation that i had to make a snap instant decision on where to turn my car. It's awesome to realise how fast our brains can be in times of emergencies and crisis. The situation was I had no time to stop, because of the short distance, probably just around 30m, and slippery road. I had two options - slam into the rear of the car in front or into the opposite traffic.

I opted for the shoulder. I couldn't see in the dark if there was room there to drive or not but in that instant I determined it was infinitely better to ditch and possibly crash only my car rather than all the others.

In that instant split second, i swerved the car onto the narrow shoulder, overran some stones and the car shaked quite violently, but I remained consciously in control. My daughter was squirming with trepidation in her eyes. In less than ten seconds, it was over and I was back on the road, heaving to a huge sigh of relief.

The strangest thing was that when I went by that stretch again a few weeks later, I saw in complete amazement how narrow that road should it was, and beyond that was a rocky ditch that would prove disastrous had I overturned just by a bit more! How lucky I was? Or did "something" save me that day?

My guardian angel saved me?

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