
In half a century's time..

I was reading some news site and it hit me to think how the world will be like in fifty years time, probably the time when I'll be gone but my next generation will be around. Would they be better off than now? Or would the world really ends in 2012 as prophesied by Mayans? Or human nature will get more belligerent to each other such that wars of different scales are going on in different parts of the planet with high tech weapons? Or will positive spirituality prevail finally to the human kind?

I was pondering what the world will be like in 50 years, and whether we'll be better off or not. Looking at current demographic trends, cultural changes, special interest groups (including feminism of course), economics - and the personal development revolution! - this century will be an interesting one for sure.

Experts say we can predict how to future world will be like by studying the history and surely some thing will improve in the future. However, I fear it will be a case of two steps forward but one step back. Better living for some, but in terminal distress for some parts of the world.

So what's your view on this? Will our next gen living in a better world than us now?

Personally I feel it depends on how people view "progress". Do you think we are living in better world now than ten years ago? Does technological convenience now means better life despite the looming energy crisis?

A friend says if you think present day is better than the past, then most probably in fifty years time, lives will be better than now, of course barring a major war, natural disaster or economic crash.

Still I am not entirely convinced we are better off than in the past. I agree some areas we have improved tremendously but, spiritually we are lacking. It will be very interesting to see if we continue on this same path over the next 50 years, or will there be a global natural disaster that will "reset" the whole world, like those in Hollywood movies?

Regardless of what the outcome is, its sure to be an interesting ride.

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