Three Reasons Church Videos Help to Deliver a Powerful Easter Message
Easter is a big deal. Palm Sunday. Good Friday. Resurrection Sunday. These are seismic events in God’s redemptive storyline. Add to that the fact that tons of people who aren’t regularly in church are in church on Easter and you have a situation where, as a pastor or worship leader, you feel a great deal of pressure to deliver great services that powerfully reflect the Gospel of Christ. So what do you do?
Baby Steps
When we consider and attempt to put ourselves into the master vision of ourselves, we have to remember that this is not something you are simply going to wake up one morning, and be. And I assure you there is no tablet you could take, or herb that you could smoke, that’s going to turn you into this instantly.
Letter to the President
This is a letter to ask the President to act as the modern day Noah, to save the Human race on earth.
God and the Human Brain
It is very hard not to appreciate the necessity of a higher being to the creation and existence of the human brain. Scientists have recently increased study of the relationship between a higher being, God, and the human brain. Why do patients with temporal lobe epilepsy or schizophrenia sometimes report hyper-religiosity, delusions of grandeur, and belief that they are God? Is there something about the Temporal Lobe and appreciation of God?
The Relationship between Serial Killer's Criminal Behavior and their Zodiac Signs
It has been established that zodiac signs directly co-relates to the type of crime they are likely to commit...
A Psychic Profile of the one and only Octomom
It seems that every single day we hear something new about the famous Octomom, from the many job offers that she has had to the instability that he showed during a recent 911...
Recieving a Miracle From God
In the Christian world today, we have all forgotten the days when the supernatural seemed to be the norm. We are even afraid to think that miracles do happen. Some Christians do not even believe in miracles. I wonder what they believe in for God himself is a supernatural being.
10 Ways to Easily Interpret Your Dreams Online
While sleeping we often visualize a continuous sequence of images that may touch us emotionally and ...
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