
Maria Duval - I think I saw a Ghost, what could it have been?

I think I saw a Ghost, what could it have been?
The subject of Ghosts is one that is as misunderstood as it is exciting and real. Part of the reason for confusion is the lack of logical and Science based discussion easily available to the general public. While the following is a brief summary, it is one I hope will help to open avenues for more open minded and realistic discussion on the subject.

Brain Storming
Egoic self is the root of personalizaion of reality and experiences. In yoga psychology management of desire and identification with the reality find the utmost attention in order to maintain the harmony of Body, mind and emotions.

The Law Of Karma - Good Or Bad It Is Always Around Us
Karma is derived from the word `kri' which means to do. The speech, thought and actions of a person is their karma and this karma which a person performs in their day to day life decides their future.

Who ARE you A rock band asks you a personal question
Just WHO do you think you ARE How to initiate change in your life by realising who you really are

Traits Of Affluent Individuals
Wealth encompasses many great dimensions such as knowledge creativity relationships love wisdom courage and all the good intangible values But what makes a person wealthy More specifically so what are the qualities that most wealthy people possess

The First Choice
This part of any journey, and especially so for the one of enlightenment, always proves to be the hardest, in the beginning. This not because in some way the universe demands that it be difficult. It is merely so because it requires we overcome the barriers, and comfort zones we tend to get ourselves into so easily.

Indian Philosophy In Terms Of Science
After going through a number of book on spirituality,Indian and foreign I have decided to write articles how the Indian Philosophy is co related with science,rather astro physics.

God and the Human Brain
It is very hard not to appreciate the necessity of a higher being to the creation and existence of the human brain. Scientists have recently increased study of the relationship between a higher being, God, and the human brain. Why do patients with temporal lobe epilepsy or schizophrenia sometimes report hyper-religiosity, delusions of grandeur, and belief that they are God? Is there something about the Temporal Lobe and appreciation of God?

What are humans comprised of
In this article we explain the composition of the human body and its various subtle bodies. Modern science has gone in some depth into understanding the physical body.

How To Be A Good Goal Setter
Learning how to plan ahead for what you want to do is one of the most important skills that you can have

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