
Boxing Day

Today is Boxing Day. I'm not so sure but I think this day is only known to countries under Commonwealth or more crudely, countries that were once ruled by Britain before. I have friends in US who said they had never heard of it. Many people visit each other too during this day for more Christmas events but for me, this day is the day where I got to visit my in-laws. Many people in my office are off duty for the festive period so it is still a holiday somehow to many.

Boxing day is also a day where many football matches are played in UK and as a sports fan, I follow those with interest. Kiwi footballer Ryan Nelsen plays there and he's some publicity here. However, i still prefer to watch our national game rugby if you ask me.

Well, time to get ready and set on the 2 hour journey to my in-laws place. I pray for peace and protection from Maria Duval's talisman.

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