
Maria Duval - Should You Get a Phone Psychic Reading?

Should You Get a Phone Psychic Reading?
Thinking about getting a free phone psychic reading? Think about this: All of us eventually come across questions and situations that are greater than ourselves. Questions and situations that require aid that supersedes our personal abilities and experience. Usually our problems fall into one of two categories - monetary or relationships.

Using Active Imagination to Access Psychic Knowledge
Although automatic writing is done while in a trance, automatic writing is done while conscious and aware. It is a gestalt type of dialog, where the writer poses a question of some other being, part of the psyche, the past or future self, or even fictional characters. Then the other answers through the subconscious to the imagination.

Some Common Forms of Psychic Abilities
It is true that there are some people in this world who have the uncanny ability to predict what will happen in the future with some degree of accuracy. They are able to do this feat because of their natural extra-sensory perfections (ESP) such as clairvoyance and sixth sense. People such as Edgar Cayce and Maria Duval are examples of such people with sharp psychic ability.

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