
Maria Duval - The Science of Numerology

The Science of Numerology
Numerology is a science that describes the meaning of numbers and letters and how they influence our lives. This science was used by the Ancients and dates back to antiquity. Numerology governs every function or aspect and movement on this planet and beyond.

How to Feel Quartz and Stones
Many people have struggled with their attempts to feel the vibrations of quartz and other stones. When you hold a piece of quartz in your hands, you can either grab it with your palm or clutch it with the tips of 5 fingers. Personally, I favor using the five fingers to hold and feel the stone.

Should You Get a Phone Psychic Reading?
Thinking about getting a free phone psychic reading? Think about this: All of us eventually come across questions and situations that are greater than ourselves. Questions and situations that require aid that supersedes our personal abilities and experience. Usually our problems fall into one of two categories - monetary or relationships.

An Ancient Personal Development Plan That Still Works
These days many people are offering new formulas for personal growth and development. Often these are only regurgitated ideas from days of old. One ancient plan for personal advancement is found in the Bible. This article is about that ancient formula that still works today.

The Best Way to Understand the Meaning of Tarot Cards
Predicting the future is not an easy thing to accomplish, but tarot cards are a great tool to use to help you. They are increasing in popularity, and are generally used by fortune-tellers for assistance. For an understanding the meaning of tarot cards, you must first accept that the cards have different meanings depending on where they are positioned and their appearance.

How to Use Your Psychic Powers For Fun and Profit - Proven Ways to To Use Psychic Gifts
This is a FANTASTIC way of practicing your psychic intuition and getting some real practical real life benefits to boot. Remote viewing is simply "seeing at a distance", which is kind of like clairvoyance, but with a purpose. The military uses remote viewers, as do MANY private companies and governments for a wide cacophony of purposes. ( Many covert and unadvertised.)

Ask the Right Question - Believing God For Your Weight Release
As adults we can sometimes get caught up in too many of the "whys" of life also - especially those of us who have experienced the frustration of trying to lose weight. Instead of asking "why," ask God, "What is the lesson here?"

How to Get Closer to God
How do you get closer to God? It's not as difficult as you may think. You can do it, as long as you're willing to give it a go.

Psychic Clairvoyance
Psychic clairvoyance is the ability to convey past, present, and future information to a person(s). Those people who gain this remarkable ability have mastered the art of communicating with spiritual guides through utilizing universal energy.

Psychic Power Tests Confirm Your Intuition
It is said that most people have some psychic awareness or power, even if they don't or won't recognize it as such. But if you don't want to write off 'coincidences' or feelings as just 'one of those things', there are psychic power tests which will help you to test your abilities.

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