
Maria Duval - Fascinated, But Skeptical

Fascinated, But Skeptical
Recently, as I sat in my meditation room, I began to read an article in Oprah's Live Your Best Life. The author of the article confessed his disbelief, fascination, and skepticism with God. These three words moved inside of me like the kick of an unborn child. I felt such a strong reaction, in fact, that I knew God was using the words to try to speak to me.

Is Astral Travel Real - Or Just My Imagination?
In this article we are are going to examine whether or not astral travel is real, or simply a figment of a VERY overactive imagination! If you are anything like the hundreds of thousands of people who have spontaneous out of body experiences each year, you probably are confused, and VERY curious as to exactly what REALLY happened! Continue reading as we take a quick look and see if can't shed a little bit more light on this fascinating mystery! Read on.

Psychic Faces and How to Handle Them
When you start to meditate, one of the first things people ask you to do is to clear your mind. Inevitably, you will find yourself seeing faces drift across your mind's eye. They come in all shapes and sizes: pretty, ugly, friendly and fiendish.

Confront Your Worries and Fears, They Are Holding You Back From Your Breakthrough
Have you ever felt the burden of bearing your life, your responsibilities, your worries and fears on your shoulders? Wouldn't it be wonderful to just roll them off on somebody and breathe for a while? Well, the good news is you can do it! Actually, that is what faith is all about. Fear and worry in reality are a form of unbelief, a twisted kind of faith. And the sooner you can get rid of them, the better.

Dejavu and the Human Super Computer
The human brain is able to perform many processes, some known, and some unknown. Dejavu and psychic abilities are a result of how the human mind interprets information. We are bombarded with information on a daily basis. Some of us have the ability to process the information in such a way that we are able to form accurate predictions of things to come. The process is like a weather forecast. Known information is fed into a computer and a forecast model is spit back out. A psychics brain process information differently.

How to Improve My Psychic Ability Without Spending a Ton of Money - 2 Ways to Hone Psychic Skills
In this article we are going to discuss improving our psychic abilities without spending TONS of money or investing in any risky programs. The simple truth is that ALL of us have an innate, but often latent talent for connecting with the great mystery beyond, and it's just a matter of allowing these talents to shine through. Let's take a quick look at some of the ways I use myself for doing exactly that, and how you TOO can employ these success strategies for yourself! Read on.

Are You Allowing Emotions to Control Your Life?
Emotions play a big role in our life. They are active and alive twenty-four hours a day, even in our dreams. Emotions literally tell us what to do with our marriage, family, job, career, self, and how we love others. If we don't control the course that our emotions run, we might be heading down the road towards destruction.

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