
A new chapter in life

We all sleep and wake up on the next day morning. That is routine. Do you realise what this means?

To me each morning when we wake up represents a new beginning, a new chapter in life. A new story about you, the lead character.

So what's the story of your life? What would you want people who read your book to know about you? What kind of hero will you be?

Treat each new day with awe and respect. Do not waste it indulging in some worthless vice.

As you self discover more about your purpose in life, you will begin to question the purpose of your existence in this world. The more you try to connect with this purpose, you will become clearer about the fulfillment of this life purpose. That is when happiness, peace and satisfaction come into. Spiritual.

Go within and find that source of consciousness that brings peace to your life. How does it feel? Does it make your life happier and resonate as being true to you?

Go into that feeling and find its source.

All of us have an existence here that is grander than all the things in your mind. This also serves as an acknowledgment and confirmation of that which you are. That which was, is, and will be regardless of your form, name, time or place.

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