
Blogging experience so far

It's happy blogging so far!

Blogging shouldn't be a pressured affair but something that is done routinely with joy. Some non-bloggers have said bloggers are 'showy' type of people who like to go around revealing their private lives. I used to think like that before and that was in the past. But as you can see, blogging is very much a big business in internet as what I read up. Internet experts are advocating each company should have a corporate blog to keep their customers in the loop about their updates and new products as this is the best possible way to ingrain a place in the fickle mind of the modern consumers.

There are also many star bloggers who have earned a lot of money being full time bloggers. Just take a look at this Aussie guy Yaro Starak from Entrepreneur's Journey who I read online is a huge blogging personality. He goes around the places giving seminars about blogging and has a big following. Just take a look at the number of readers for his feeds.

I really wish psychic Marie Callas or whatever she's called, can set up a blog of her own and give us her subscribers her updates and news. Of course this will very much do good to improve on her PR as I can see there are some bad press about her. Person like her who has star personality should make more appearances as more people will buy the idea if there are more publicity.

Well, its 01/01/07, and I wish everyone A HAPPY NEW YEAR'S DAY 2007

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