
Become Free

We are slaves. Every day we wake up and go to work to get money. Then we buy things with that money. Lying on our death bed are we ever going to be proud of the things we bought? Will those objects make our lives worth living? No. We are going to remember the people and the memories we had with them. The work force, however, bears down on us limiting the time we get to enjoy our children, family, and friends. Put an end to this.

We need to get a grip on reality. There is no guidance in alcohol, the news, music. The only guidance there is that exists is that steady pull that we feel deep in our souls. That pull that guides us to where we are supposed to be. Society pounds that out of you from the moment you are born. We are bred to be consumers that exist to make others rich. We constantly walk around day dreaming because we cannot stand this reality. We must take back our existence!

Become free. In whatever way you can.

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