
Inspire and spirit

When you are "there", I think inspiration will find you. So when and how can you be "there"? Where do I find the source of inspiration?

Personally I feel that inspiration will come to you and not the other way round.

This is not motivation I am talking about. Yes, motivation seems to be a basic life principle. If you are hungry, you get motivated to feed yourself. If you think you are short of money and want to buy something, get motivated yourself and think of ways to make some money or find ways around it.

Maria Duval tells me inspiration this word has special meaning. It means the word ‘inspire’ and ‘spirit’.

When I was younger, I remember taking the bus and always seeing a sign: “Courtesy Is Contagious”

Inspiration is like that. You can inspire by your actions, by your attitude, and by your example

Like enlightenment, inspiration can happen at any time, anywhere. You can find yourself inspired by an insect, a note of music, and of course, language.

Be Fearless..

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