
Self improvement

When I look back and realise that, indeed, one of the main things that holds me back is that I've always played it safe and conservative because I've been too scared to take risks. Risk averse is my nature. This is something wish Maria Duval can provide me more tips and advices to self improve.

Instead of viewing life experiences as either negative or positive, it really helps to bring them all into balanced thinking. In every negative situation there will be something positive come out of it. In fact all of the 'negative' things I have experienced have made me much stronger and capable. If you think back to anything negative you have experienced you will be able to find something good in it, or that came out of it. It can't not be there. (sorry for the double negative there but even that makes a positive statement!)

In every positive situation there will be a hint of something negative e.g. if things are too easy you don't learn anything or have to take responsibility. You never have to draw deep on your resources and GROW. So what you really want is a balance and to ultimately see the balance in every experience and be grateful for what ever comes your way! Because it is what it is. It's all wonderful experience that helps us grow.

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