
Keep it up - well done!

Well I have definitely been a negative person for much of my life. But in the past 4 or 5 years I have worked diligently to shift away from being critical, bitter, resentful and otherwise negative.

I have been identifying and shifting my thoughts from negative and fearful to positive and determined. It is working. But there is evidence that I have more work to do.

Focusing on the positive result of change is a great idea. AND -- if there's a pattern that you notice, as you have, like that other people's negative energy is occurring in your life and you suspect you might have some negative energy that is drawing it -- it might be a good idea to examine what you're being when people get all reactive on you. Take a look at the specific way of being you were being when people give you negative feedback, and see how pervasive that is in your life. There may be some beliefs you have that are due for re-examination, and there may be some stuff you have to clean up with people, so that you are opening them up to feeling good about you.

I have met very difficult people in my work. They like to put challenges to whoever that talk to them. They are defensive if you wish to know. I have no problem with others having different views but I do have a problem with others not allowing views that differ from their own. If their view is not immediately adapted then they basically go on the attack.

So i told myself try to stay positive and don't dwell on such scathing negative comments which don't help or any negative things in your life. Shift my focus to something positive as soon as I notice something that might get me down.

Well done, I say to myself.. and keep up the good work!

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