
Maria Duval - Using Meditation Techniques For Different Environments Posted By : Bercle George

Using Meditation Techniques For Different Environments Posted By : Bercle George
There are people who have good sense of focus and concentration. They have the ability to stabilize their mind no matter what kind of environment they are into.

The Unexamined Life is not Worth Living Posted By : Robert Gerzon
Socrates believed that the purpose of human life was personal and spiritual growth. We are unable to grow toward greater understanding of our true nature unless we take time to examine and reflect upon our life. Examining our life reveals patterns of behavior. Deeper contemplation yields understanding of the powerful mental software that runs our life. Unless we become aware of these patterns, much of our life is unconscious repetition.

Mindfulness Meditation Technique Posted By : Arlene Myers
A meditation technique where one focuses on the field or background and embrace all the perception around that field is called Mindfulness Meditation.

The Spiritual Revolution
Science Fiction Author Dcs, Combats the Mis-information on the Shift in Consciousness and the Spiritual Revolution Sweeping the Planet.

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Science Fiction Author Dcs, Discusses the Evidence for How the Shift in Consciousness Sweeping the Planet is Affect Both the Corporate and Political Sectors.

What Does Good 'The Wheel' Tarot Card Really Intimate?
The Tale of Tarot Cards Started Around the 15th Century, a Century After Cards Were Introduced in Europe Beginning With the Rising Municipals in Italy. the Evolution of Tarot as We Know it Today Has a Mixture of Stories and Legends.

The Relationship between Serial Killer's Criminal Behavior and their Zodiac Signs
It has been established that zodiac signs directly co-relates to the type of crime they are likely to commit...

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