
Maria Duval - Using Meditation Techniques For Different Environments Posted By : Bercle George

Using Meditation Techniques For Different Environments Posted By : Bercle George
There are people who have good sense of focus and concentration. They have the ability to stabilize their mind no matter what kind of environment they are into.

Four Aspects of Redemption
Stuart Wilde talks of redemption as a spiritual and psychological process in the psychology of the human shadow. It begins he says with ‘investigation’, whereby you look at yourself and admit that you have an inner shadow. Then he lists the ‘pledge’ when you promise to change. The third aspect he calls the ‘agony’ when you realize the hurt you have caused and the final aspect is the ‘action’ needed to make good and become whole once more.

Living in the Moment - Here and Now is All We Have
In our chaotic modern society, most people spend their entire life in a past that no longer exists or a future that may never be real. Regret, anxiety, and displacement through fantasy are the norm in most cultures at the time of this writing.

Who ARE you A rock band asks you a personal question
Just WHO do you think you ARE How to initiate change in your life by realising who you really are

A Concise Chronicles To Tarot Cards And Understanding Tarot Cards
Tarot Card Reading is Seen as a Trivial Activity Present, But Multitudinous Still Hold Extreme Opinions About These Cards. Either These Cards Come From the Devil or are Legit Pointer to Your Fortunes.

Spiritual Growth: The Spiritual Challenge Of Todays Times
To Grow Spiritually in a Time Defined by Power, Money, and Influence is a Monumental Task. Todays Conveniences Such as Electronic Toys, Gadgets, and Tools as Well as Entertainment Through Video, Magazines, and the Web Have Lead Us to Confine our Attention Mostly to Physical Needs and Wants. as a Result, our Concepts of Self-worth and Self-meaning are Clouded How Can We Achieve a Balance Between the Material and Spiritual Aspects of our Lives?

The Feminine Nature of Surrender
This is a very spiritual piece where the author discusses our powerlessness to fix the world and how we must surrender and graciously accept that fact. The author says once he put down the cudgel of his indignation and embraced the feminine spirit of softness and surrender, he felt a respite and a release for which he is very grateful.

A Lead-In To Comprehending Tarot Cards
When Card Readings are Conducted Face-to-face, the Card Reader Will on Occasion Ask the Querent to Shuffle the Cards as They Concentrate on the Question.

The Relationship between Serial Killer's Criminal Behavior and their Zodiac Signs
It has been established that zodiac signs directly co-relates to the type of crime they are likely to commit...

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