
Rules to stay young!

Here are some of my own inspirations about rules and ways I (or you) can stay young, no matter how old you are:

1. Discard grouchy friends and keep the cheerful positive ones. Do you realise there are more grouches around you?

2. Keep learning and learning - non stop - through whatever age you may be in. Learn makes your mind invigorated and energised all time. Learn new knowledge like never before and that keeps you young!

3. Laugh! Heartily when you can. But do not laugh out hysterically in the middle of a crowded public bus! People will be frightened..

4. Forget about your life numbers, like age, weight, waistline, etc..

5. Sometimes, tragedies in life do happen; they are inevitable. Do grieve but, do not linger in such tragedies. Move ON as soon as you can pick yourself up! Glad you are alive and keep them in your fond memories! :)

6. Take care of your most precious asset - HEALTH! Treat your body well, do not wreck it.

7. Treasure your loved ones like your family, best pals, spouse, and even pets.

8. Treat yourself to uplifting music that you like. Music can make your mind creative and less burdened.

9. Travel to see the world and mix with people from different cultures if you can. It broadens your scope in life and makes you marvel at the beauty of this world.

10. Show your love to those less fortunates, do your best to help them if you can.

11. Show gratitude for what you have in life.

12. Meditate and keep your mind and intuition sharp! It works!

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