
The Universe is actually working in your Favor.

Like the fish, we too are for the most part unable to see the bigger picture. Humans tend to see only a small part of it. But, everything is very multidimensional.

Many people feel that there is a good reason for everything. I take it even further and say that The Universe and all It contains is perfect for you. If you were able to get out of the fish tank, you would realize that all is in your favor.

Next time something in life upsets you take some time to be upset. But then keep your senses open and pay attention to any good that comes out of it. It may take some time, but I am sure you will begin to notice that the upsetting event was actually in your favor.

It is a basic law of physics that every reaction has an opposite and equal reaction. So out of every "bad" situation or event there must come at least an equal amount of "good". When you focus on this good, you will create more of it in your life. Pretty soon, you will believe only in the good, and the bad will just evaporate away.

I believe the reason why most people do not believe that the Universe is working in their favor is because they are focusing on the bad. This does not allow any room for the good to manifest. Do not fall into this trap.

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