
The Law of "Love"

Hope all of you are feeling good and splendid. There are many laws that govern this universe besides LOA. I shall post a bit based on my own knowledge that I pick up last few months.

You see, the Law of Attraction (LOA) is only 1 of several laws to achieving the life you desire. Don't be surprised if you have not heard of other laws. To be truly successful for you, you need to apply these laws to work together.

I shall just talk about one of these laws. That is the Law of "Love".

Love is a powerful universal energy and if you feel loved, the energy around you will resonate. Love is all around us, it is not something that comes from within you and is sent to what ever you feel "love" towards.

It is actually around you all the time, it is the very essence of creation, it is always there and you just allow yourself to "tap" into that energy when you are in resonance with it.

This is a very brief explanation of why people fall "in" and "out" of love.

It doesn't have to be that way, you can feel love all the time, or most of the time if you allow yourself to connect to that energy. It is a very nice experience, and it a very fulfilling one. There is no trick to it, what works for me is the following:

Go out of the city and seriously kook at nature (or imagine it) that you have neglected, it can be the sky, the clouds, the flowers, the birds, the insects and anything that is a part of nature.

Then realize that God, or the universe, has put it there for you to appreciate the beauty and perfection of it. Then know that all that was made out of love for you, that the universe is constantly sending love to you, no matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what you have done in your life. The source of ALL that is is constantly sending you that energy of love.

I venture to the nature as much as I can, to admire and wonder it's awe. When I admire it, I can feel myself and my spirit opening up to it. Nothing feels greater than this. Everyone can do that and it does not cost you much time. At first you might be able to feel it for a couple of seconds, but you can always go through it again and again, until you feel it constantly.

I hope that what I wrote today is of help and enjoyment to everyone. It will definitively will put you in higher resonance, and as such you will attract better things faster.

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