A birth chart is calculated through your date and time of birth, as well as the location. The celestial bodies present at your time of birth to see which planets (planets in astrology include the sun and the moon) have a large influence in your life. It comes in the form of a wheel. There are twelve divisions and twelve houses. Each of the divisions is represented by the zodiac signs. Horoscope charts have you at the center, and rightfully so. The north side of the wheel of your astrology chart symbolizes your head, while the opposite - the south side - symbolizes your feet.
A natal chart has a lot of different uses. The most popular use is to know your own personality. This can be done through a natal chart report. You have to be able to know how to read a natal chart to know what it means. The best way to view your birth chart report is through experts online.
You can also use your natal chart for love compatibility. This is called synastry. This is done by comparing two natal chart reports. The transits of each house will then be calculated to see which celestial bodies in the natal chart. This way you can know if you and your loved one are compatible, depending if the celestial bodies in both of your natal charts coincide.
You can also use birth charts as a way to predict the future. You can easily get a transit report. A transit report is calculated through your original natal chart. This gives you the privilege of knowing at least the gist of what will happen on a certain date. This is calculated through the different celestial bodies which influence your chart at the time, and how strong their influences are.
When you first see a natal chart, you may be confused. There are a lot of terms that are specific to a natal chart. IF you want to fully understand what your horoscope chart means, then it would be best to understand these terms. Most people do not even know what a natal horoscope is. It is made up of various mathematical calculations, based on the birth moment of an individual. They include the positions for various celestial bodies such as the moon, sun and eight planets. The natal horoscope also calculates the various sensitive points such as the ascendant, midlevel, and others.
A chart wheel is an important feature of the layout of a natal horoscope. It is a three hundred sixty degree picture of the heavens during the exact moment of your birth. The top of the chart is called the midlevel, which is directly above your head. The nadir o IC is at the bottom where your feet stand. Meanwhile, the left hand side of the wheel is the ascendant or rising sign, which is the rising zodiac of your birth moment. The descendant is on the opposite side of the ascendant, which is where the zodiac sets.
In an astrology chart, you can measure your planet position through the various degrees minutes and second of your time of birth. The line in your chart where a house begins is called a cusp. Meanwhile, glyphs in astrology are like a special language for astrologers. They symbolize different planets and zodiac signs in the natal chart report. Memorizing the glyphs will make it easier for you to read a horoscope chart report.
The Author of this article writes for Birth Chart.com.au that offers free Birth Chart services, Astrology Chart services and Free Horoscope.
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