
Know Yourself

Hope you thoroughly enjoyed your New Year's day countdown party or activities!

I think 2010 started rather calmly for me as there is not much surprises in store. A short getaway over the holiday weekend with my family in a relaxed atmosphere. A truly tranquil way to sooth my tired soul to get ready for the next months, which I am sure will be very positive.

It is important that we know ourselves better before we can share our lives with someone you like. In fact, knowing yourself better will give you a chance to take a peek at yourself that you will share to the people around you.

Always have control of your mind when you are doing things. Yes there are always unexpected turns that may be out of control and they don't go your way. And through this experience, you will know what people think about you or how far is your limitations to take things like risks, or even discover a new talent.

I hope you will get to know yourself better. You can try meditation if you want to embark on self discovery journey.

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