
The Awareness of Happiness

A lot of times we believe we'd be truly happy "if only I have the money, or with the girl I like". While this line of thought is not exactly that negative, the question here is, how long will this happiness last when you get it?

Usually, after the initial happiness, there will come pangs of disappointment, anger or some other less desired emotions. Maria Duval explains that happiness attached to a thing or event does not last if it was not preceded by the will to be happy.

If the awareness of happiness is intrinsically lined to an external object or event, then once you have it in your life, you'd have reached the end of your journey.

Even if the happiness remains for some time, when the object or event is removed the attached happiness will disappear as well. The awareness may remain in memory for a period until it is forgotten.

To make this level of happiness lasting, the awareness of happiness would have to begin way before any external event starts and the physical manifestation would be the symbol of that happiness.

Hope readers will understand what I hope to put it across here.

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