
Maria Duval - Why Having a Quiet Mind Brings Peace Posted By : Chandra Alexander

Why Having a Quiet Mind Brings Peace Posted By : Chandra Alexander
Are you plagued with a mind that never rests? If you have trouble sleeping at night, difficulty finishing what you've started, and trouble making decisions, learn why having a quiet mind brings peace and clarity and is the foundation for a life that works.

Making Sunday School Meaningful
Making Sunday School fun and functional doesn't have to be difficult. There's no magic "secret" or special formula. Even the best of programs can become dull and lifeless without a few simple factors - preparation, control and action.

Make Up Your Mind Already!
Get unstuck by making up your mind and watch the law of attraction work for you.

What is the Difference between Silence and Calmness in Spiritual Growth?
The answers are in the silence.

Is Astral Projection Real? Read This Astral Projection Guide And Decide For Yourself!
In it's simplest terms, astral projection is basically out of body experiences induced by separating the consciousness from the physical body. Many people have reported having these out of body experiences randomly without trying. On the other hand, there are several people who have learned how to trigger astral projection on purpose and do so as they please.

The people look to find it, they crave to see and feel it. I have it and I don’t shine share it because I lost its essence and so a gift within is lost in translation. They yearn to walk in it but the task is difficult because they have no guide and a shinning projection to see off from. They toss and turn in the middle of their sleep, they must want it.

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