
Maria Duval - Snooze To Lose: How Meditation Helps You Lose Weight Posted By : Suzanne Andrews

Snooze To Lose: How Meditation Helps You Lose Weight Posted By : Suzanne Andrews
A 5000 year old practice provides the missing link to your weight loss plan. Celebrities and top athletes do it to succeed. Find out how it can work for you.

Becoming a Spiritual Christian Posted By : Rhonda Jones
Many people equate Christianity with spirituality, but are they really one in the same?

How Does Stress And Meditation Affect Your Health? Posted By : Ryan Pearson
Discover the secrets to using meditation as a part of your daily life, to reduce and eliminate daily stress. Meditation can greatly improve your health and help to eliminate the negative effects that stress has on your health. Use daily meditation to help you with your stress management.

Irritated? Annoyed? Stressed? Don't Scratch That Itch - Meditate Posted By : Willie Horton
I'm sure we all know people who are only itching for us to get involved in their little drama - making them feel more important. One of my clients calls these people "energy vampires" - if you let them, they'll suck you dry. Our daily lives are filled with potential irritations and annoyances - to the point that many people are now suffering from stress. But you're the master of your own mind - grab a hold of the controls!

The Guide To A Scheduled Meditation Period Using The Meditation Timer Posted By : Bercle George
Meditation is one of the healthy activities that feeds both body and mind. The time you spent for meditation returns to you in the form of more accomplishments and a rejuvenated spirit.

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