
Maria Duval - Origin of the Chakras

Origin of the Chakras
The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit "cakra" meaning "wheel, circle", and it is sometimes referred to the "wheel of life". Today the Chakras and their energy is channeled by most “New Age” healers, holistic medical practitioners, and alternative medicine like reflexology, reiki, and yoga. With this article your will be able to get in touch with your Chakras!

Anthony-Robbins tips:bursting with ideas, but don’t follow through?
Are you a budding entrepreneur? Read Anthony Robbins books to get the idea and relate these ideas to achieve success in your business.

A Glimpse at the Chinese Zodiac
Nothing in specific could the answer be when asked why they get hooked with horoscope reading and the like Walking along downtown China one could sense the spirit of a well retained cultural heritage attached way back centuries ago Along the streets are sumptuous food china wares dry goods and even shops like psychic reading

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