
Maria Duval - What Does Superb 'the Empress' Tarot Card Truly Hint At?

What Does Superb 'the Empress' Tarot Card Truly Hint At?
Tarot card reading is seen as a trivial activity nowadays, but myriads still hold extreme opinions about these cards. Either these cards come from the devil or are legit handbook to your fortunes.

Part I: God is Light!
Part I describes my unified general theory of Everything so simply that virtually any intelligent educated person can understand and use it. Part II describes how to prove the theory; and provides a synthesis of information from all the sciences and religions that supports my theory.

What Does Good 'the Fool' Tarot Card Genuinely Foretell?
Alternative tarot card reading methods include phone and online readings. While there are free Internet sectors to read your fortunes, they are only for explain or offered as a gimmick.

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