
Maria Duval - Redefining Holy-days for Peace

Redefining Holy-days for Peace
For some reason, I am especially conscious of approaching the darkest dark this year. There are just under two weeks till the cycle of light begins to grow again and the darkness is somehow more pungent, more poignant this year. Certainly, the world economy has something to do with it. I find that I am unwilling to buy “things” just for the sake of having gifts for friends and family. So I was thrilled to discover an organization called Changing the Present.

What Does Distinguished 'the Hanged Man' Tarot Card Actually Represent?
Tarot cards display been around for decades and show been used in numerous cultures for the purposes of divination. There are a divergency of card layouts, and there are a lot of disparate card reading methods that card readers use.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems pretty dark, doesn't it? I'm always aware when the days get less light, though. The trick is to try and keep a sun inside oneself and that *is* a trick.