
Maria Duval - Tarot Card and Telepathic Lessons

Tarot Card and Telepathic Lessons
Tarot cards comprise of twenty-one trump cards, the fool and an supplemental face card for every single different suits in the deck.

Believe In Yourself – Don’t Give Up!
I sometimes hear the frustration in people's voice that they've been at something for two or three months. They've been at something for 90 days and it hasn't changed. I asked James Ray to help me understand why he didn’t give in after six years.

Leap Castle - the Most Haunted Castle in Ireland
Leap Castle - The Most Haunted Castle in Ireland

Using Our Sixth Sense Makes Sense
Gods highest of creations is man and the greatest of gifts to man is the sixth sense.

Great Exercise for Opening the Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is the fourth of seven chakras inside the body. Each chakra is an energy center and responsible for different emotions or feelings you have. The heart chakra is no exception, it is your center for unconditional love. Also it is a very important chakra, considering it is directly linked to your physical heart and circulatory system. It is the source for many of our feelings good and bad such as jealousy, grief, happiness, love, anger, and many more.

The Religious Influences on the Arts of India
The deeply spiritual and diverse religious beliefs have played a major role in influencing the Indian art. Religion is called the way of life. The effect of religion can be clearly seen on the Indian paintings.

Tarot Card and Telepathic Lessons
Tarot cards comprise of twenty-one trump cards, the fool and an supplemental face card for every single different suits in the deck.

Believe In Yourself – Don’t Give Up!
I sometimes hear the frustration in people's voice that they've been at something for two or three months. They've been at something for 90 days and it hasn't changed. I asked James Ray to help me understand why he didn’t give in after six years.

Leap Castle - the Most Haunted Castle in Ireland
Leap Castle - The Most Haunted Castle in Ireland

Using Our Sixth Sense Makes Sense
Gods highest of creations is man and the greatest of gifts to man is the sixth sense.

Great Exercise for Opening the Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is the fourth of seven chakras inside the body. Each chakra is an energy center and responsible for different emotions or feelings you have. The heart chakra is no exception, it is your center for unconditional love. Also it is a very important chakra, considering it is directly linked to your physical heart and circulatory system. It is the source for many of our feelings good and bad such as jealousy, grief, happiness, love, anger, and many more.

The Religious Influences on the Arts of India
The deeply spiritual and diverse religious beliefs have played a major role in influencing the Indian art. Religion is called the way of life. The effect of religion can be clearly seen on the Indian paintings.

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