
Maria Duval - How to Master the Basics of Psychic Power

How to Master the Basics of Psychic Power
If you are interested in psychic reading, you should know that it consist reading of love life, career, health, wealth and connecting with a spirit. Many people are skeptical towards psychic reading not because they do not believe in it but simply just feared of the unknown, the past, present and future. To overcome this fear, you first must understand what psychic reading are.
Source: ezinearticles.com

Tarot Cards History Explained - A Guide to Understanding the History of Tarot Cards
The word 'tarot' is commonly believed to have originated from the Arab word 'turuq', meaning four ways. Tarot cards are a system of divination, which means to foretell or predict the future.
Source: ezinearticles.com

How to Improve My Psychic Ability Without Spending a Ton of Money - 2 Ways to Hone Psychic Skills
In this article we are going to discuss improving our psychic abilities without spending TONS of money or investing in any risky programs. The simple truth is that ALL of us have an innate, but often latent talent for connecting with the great mystery beyond, and it's just a matter of allowing these talents to shine through. Let's take a quick look at some of the ways I use myself for doing exactly that, and how you TOO can employ these success strategies for yourself! Read on.
Source: ezinearticles.com

Spirituality and Wealth
A thorny subject, I know. I have to say though that I've never bought into the idea that there is a contradiction between being wealthy and being spiritual or religious. For me wealth and spirituality go hand in hand. How is it possible that the intention was for us to be financially bankrupt and spiritually wealthy - it seems to me that these two concepts are the ones that are in conflict with each other?
Source: ezinearticles.com

Numerology and Your Health - Problem Areas to Watch For
Everyone wants good health; and most of us are willing to take a few preventative measures to keep it. Depending on your Life Path, numerology shows that you will have tendencies to develop certain kinds of health problems. Read on to learn what these problems are and how you can control them.
Source: ezinearticles.com

The Other Side
We all want to be rich. We all want to be wealthy; we all want to be successful, we all want to be achievers of great feats and become an icon of inspiration. But, all these come with their other side.
Source: ezinearticles.com

How to Learn the Tarot Fast
Learning the tarot can be a daunting task. There are 78 cards, each with specific and sometimes cryptic symbolism. Here is a way you can learn the tarot, fast!
Source: ezinearticles.com

Images of Life
If you are a Hindu, you have been taught to worship Brahma, the creator of all reality, or Vishnu, the preserver of all of the creations, or Shiva, the destroyer. And as a Hindu, you find a tremendous source of security and peace in that. It is the one thing that you can count on when the going gets tough.
Source: ezinearticles.com

Steps on How to Achieve Your Goals Through Psychic Abilities
The Colors of a Universal Psychic - The world contains of beautiful colors including glee, love, serenity, melancholy, triumph, transformation, trounce, and diversity, and in this world there are winners who are so because they are self contained and have self-control on their consciousness who show psychic ability which is beyond this world. However, at times, a person might become heartbroken and might get into depression due to unemployment, lack of knowledge and information, poverty, career distress, desires or goals which were not achieved, lacking wealth and power.
Source: ezinearticles.com

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