
Some Maria Duval information and her picture

For normal people, time and space are magnitudes very much beyond imagination, hence to go outside of this fixed boundary is almost impossible, let along predicting what will the future be like years down the road. There is always exceptional people thought...

A Maria Duval PhotoThere are people in this world with gift bestowed upon by God who can see through this boundary of time and space and this is what we usually called, the "third eye". I read that Maria Duval is one of these people.

I'm proud to introduce her as the "clairvoyant of Paris". According to wikipaedia, she hails from Italian family background. I understand Maria Duval has exceptional psychic powers since childhood, like predicting the unexpected arrival of visiting relatives, or correctly indicating the hiding place of lost or forgotten objects. One successful case was the finding of a lost dog belonging to famed actress Brigitte Bardot.

Maria Duval has travelled the world extensively. She learned and studied in Indian spirituality and also practised Zen. Her gifts in magnetism have brought her fame as a healer and she founded the French Institute for Research into Parapsychology. She has been called the “Human Radar” on the basis of her skill at seeking missing persons and even pets.

It's just interesting to read more into this mysterious lady!

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