
New hope

2008 is here and we are starting a new year! I want to treat the next 12 months with renewed energy and vigour. Here I'm just wondering what will be your goals for this year? And what is your predictions for the world?

Personally, I wish for health and peace for my family and friends. That's the best thing which money can't buy. Also I hope more people can visit my blog as I find it great whenever people finds it. It's like searching for a needle in the dark. Somehow I wish to contribute more to the less fortunates in the society too.

I also hope people can achieve their dreams and making their lives more wonderful. I want to grow and prosper and increase my knowledge in spirituality even more too.

Don’t you just love new years. It's always somewhat of a fresh start, clean slate, and a whole new world of possibilities. I wish everyone lots of success and the power to create your destiny this year!

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