
I read about Akashic Reading

Today I'll do my best to explain to you in my own words about this rather profound class of spiritual readings, all based on what I have read. So forgive me if any of the info here is not that accurate.

Ever heard of "Akashic Reading"?

It comes from a Sanskrit (a form of ancient Indian language) word which means "mind" or "substance". So from here you can roughly tell them it is probing much much deeper into your mind that the normal psychic readings many of us are accustomed to.

Basically, in an akashic reading, the reader delves into the mind of the person, and from here, many facts can be found, like, relationship, health, money, family and etc. The reader has to be in a very deep subconscious mind when the its frequency connects with the frequency of the person being read.

Information required for akashic reading includes full name, and birthday of the person as this is unique in spiritual world. One thing to note is that the objectives in a reading session have to be very clear, exact and specific so as to obtain the maximum effect.

Akashic reading is highly non-judgement. What is that so?

Because the info comes directly from your subconscious mind hence there is no emotions of the conscious world involved hence a clearer reading can be achieved. It allows a person to succinctly know what he/she is really about subconsciously. It allows a person to understand better of his/her subsconscious mind and able to guide us where we wish to go actually in this life.

Through akashic reading, you can grow yourself spiritually too and you learn how to connect to your Higher Mind and through this, you'll find that your intuition actually increases too.

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