
There 's more to "Good Luck"

Good luck is a result of what we get after going through a series of doing the right things. It's definitely not a gift dropped from the sky. It's more than that if you want it to be explained spiritually. Good luck is created by ourselves - born in our thoughts and projected in our actions. There is work and enthusiasm for self growth and goal achievement.

For example, I regard myself as a "lucky person". Why? Because I always say my thanks and gratitude to what's going on in my life. I'm lucky to have all these in life. On the other hand, I am also always in movement, going towards something. Constantly searching and finding; asking and receiving.

Good luck needs a positive mental state with determination. How often and how loosely we called somebody lucky because he or she has found an ideal job or a great partner. Well, watch closely and you will see that to find that job the lucky person prepared for it, took classes, studied, went to look for the job, put in applications here and there, put up with rejections - maybe embarrassing rejections - but he or she persisted. The result? When the opportunity appears, such people are ready.

Good luck is up to you. Why not do what you can to have more of it?

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