
Moon phases have effects on us

Does the moon phases affect us?

The answer is a resounding Yes from me. It does affect living souls here in this earth, from insects, animals, humans and physical occurrences like tides.

So how much of the effect does it have on us?

From what I've known and read, moon exerts a psychic pull on the earth in phases, strongest when it is in full. One valid claim is that the fertility cycle of women coincides with the moon phases too which is quite logical because the average female cycle takes about 29 days, the same amount of time it takes for the Moon to rotate once on it's axis and to complete one orbit around the Earth.

During full moon, many cultures and tribes perform sacred sites and rituals like worshippings, magic, healing, divinating and other spiritual acts which are deem the most effective during this phase of the moon.

It is also said that criminal activities have historically increased during the full moon period as the psyche of the people has been subtlely influenced.

Well, do you believe in all these? Personally, I believe in that but I'm not going to turn my life upside down to bring all of my activities in line with the lunar cycles. However, being more aware of changes in your environment and the universe around you can only be beneficial.

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