

Feeling bored I read in a numerology site and there is this interesting information about naming a baby.

It sys that having a good name is important, not just because the name follows you for life but also then name is a sound and sound is a vibration and energy! Different sounds have different effects on a person in the same way that different colors will affect people differently.

Therefore different names will provide different types of influences as each letter in a name has a numerical value and each number is an archetypal energy that creates, sustains or destroys a variety of qualities. By using the letters of the name and determining their equivalent number energy, one can calculate the types of influence the name vibration will have on a person.

Through numerology, all of us can find out what's our 'name number'. I'm not too sure how to derive the name number as i think basically we assign a number to each letter of the name and then total up the score.

Hope you have a 'good name'.

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